(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.
A mob of nine black people attack two off-duty cops visiting Green Bay. Downtown. At night. Happened last month.
Green Bay cops show up. No one is arrested. The off-duty cops – from Minneapolis – do not like that. They accuse Green Bay cops of running a “clown show.”
“I’m not trying to be an a****** here,” said the Minneapolis cop in a dashboard cam video. “But we get jumped by nine f****** black guys and we’re the problem? We’re two small white guys and you got a crowd of black guys up there.”
The Minneapolis cops did something that apparently is just not done in Green Bay. They fought back. The mob was “doing their monkey thing,” said one of the cops. “We’re police officers. I punched him in the face and I will do it again.”
The Minneapolis cop used a racial slur. It is not known whether that was before or after they called Green Bay police a “clown show.”
That word will not be used here. But it is not too much different than what tenured Princeton Professor Cornell West calls black people who support President Obama.
Using the word would presumably disqualify “Brother West” from ever joining the Minneapolis police department: Where on their web pages they describe in detail the special treatment that “protected minorities” get in applying, testing, and studying to be a cop.
The same department that claims to be color-blind when asked about a dozens of episodes of black mob violence in downtown Minneapolis. Violence that some victims say the police ignore.
Back to Green Bay: The local boys in blue also did not care for the fact that the Minneapolis cops referred to the sexuality of the openly gay police chief of Minneapolis.
So they dropped a dime on them.
Soon after, Minneapolis public officials and media outlets were competing with each other to express their unhappiness. The mayor and police chief were “outraged,” and apologized to people of Green Bay for their police officers’ behavior. A candidate for mayor called on the police officers to resign.
Though cops all over the country say black cops are dropping N-bombs in the locker rooms before the shift. On the streets, during the shift. In the bars, after the shift.
“As the only … white cop on an all black team, it is unbelievable how often the black cops use it,” said one big city cop who reads WND. “But God help anyone else who does. They are looking at severe punishment. Days off without pay. All about a word. It’s a d*** shame what happened to those officers in Minneapolis.”
Ten cops in New York and Texas and Illinois – active and retired – confirmed this.
But what about the black mob that attacked the two Minneapolis cops? What happened to them? Nothing. No arrests. No calls for an investigation.
Which was just fine with a Green Bay black minister, who told a local TV station it was about time someone broke up the police fellowship that is oppressing black people. No words from the minister on the black mob attack – which the newspapers called a “scuffle.” Not yet.
And the whole nine-on-two thing? Judging from local official reaction, that had nothing to do with anything. Not everyone in Minneapolis was so oblivious:
“I live in Minneapolis, but there was no mention in any reports I heard about the cops being attacked by nine blacks,” said a WND reader named Denise. “None. Your link at whitegirlbleedalot.com is the first mention of it that I’ve come across. Speaking of cops, can you imagine what they know? They must be going nuts keeping it all inside. The racial aspect of violent crime is no big secret to them.”
Some cops are surprised that civilians know that.
“These are scary times, man,” said the big city cop.
Readers of the new edition of “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it,” know that Minneapolis is a center of intense and frequent and dangerous black mob violence. And thanks to new QR codes, it is easy to watch the video on your smart phone as you read the new edition.
In the meantime, some links as reminders of what police in Minneapolis deal with every day.
- More black mob violence in Minneapolis – with a twist.
- Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #71: Minneapolis
- Black-on-white link in Minneapolis violence
Public officials and local press in Minneapolis may deny they have a problem with racial violence. But those involved do not: They glorify it with rap music videos. Many produced locally.
Another question: Did the mayor of Green Bay apologize for the black mob that attacked the cops? No. But a lot of people in Green Bay did make rude comments about Viking quarterbacks.
Did any members of this aggrieved mob step forward and give their side of the story? No.
Maybe this is part of the “open-season on black people” that Al Sharpton and others talked about after the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin. Maybe this is the beginning of a new awareness of an epidemic of white on black crime.
If so, this may be exhibit two, from the Pioneer Press:
Three off-duty Minneapolis police officers were accused of using racial slurs during a brawl with a group of black bar patrons in Apple Valley last November – an incident that’s come under heightened scrutiny in light of similar recent accusations against other officers in the department.
Details are sketchy: Someone said something in a bar. Soon after, three off-duty white cops are fighting, scuffling, whatever, with a mob of about nine black people in the parking lot.
Three off-duty officers were charged with assault and property damage. Two later pled guilty to disorderly conduct. The charges against the third cop were dropped.
None of the black people were charged. The Pioneer puts it in perspective:
None of the three Minneapolis officers have other criminal history in Minnesota, outside of traffic violations. Three of the men they fought with have prior offenses including disorderly conduct, drug possession and failing to register as a predatory offender.
Which is a lot more than we know about the black mob in Green Bay.
In unrelated news, the Green Bay City Council last week decided to vote down a proposed ban on saggy pants that are proliferating throughout their city.
See a trailer for the book:
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