WaPo: ‘Fox News must apologize to Reza Aslan’

By Pamela Geller

The enemedia is still in an uproar over Fox News’ Lauren Green daring to question the motives of their darling of the moment, Khomeinist Reza Aslan, a board member of a lobbying group for the bloodthirsty Jew-hating Iranian mullahs. They’re not demanding that Green be beheaded (yet), but they are demanding an apology: The Washington Post actually ran a piece by Erik Wemple titled, “Fox News must apologize to Reza Aslan.”

Can you imagine? This foul-mouthed, immature, subversive Aslan is fawned over on every show by everyone – and one interviewer goes off the reservation, and the enemedia lines up the firing squad. Can you imagine what they would be doing if Reza faced one-hundredth of the negative, prosecutorial media coverage I get, and other foes of jihad get, on a routine basis? Reza would be in a towering rage, firing off f–k bombs on Twitter left and right, and the Washington Post would have to run a special section devoted to nothing but demands for apologies to him.

Imagine if this same brown-nosing treatment were accorded to friends of freedom, and not just to its enemies. Imagine the WaPo running a piece titled, “60 Minutes must apologize to Pamela Geller,” for Scott Pelley asking me if I even thought I had an obligation to tell the truth, or “CNN must apologize to Pamela Geller,” for Suzanne Malveaux’s fawning over a deceitful imam who lied about the violent passages in the Quran, and never giving me a chance to reply, or for Erin Burnett abruptly cutting off my remarks in another interview when I started telling the truth about Hamas-CAIR. Where is WaPo’s story “Russell Brand must apologize to Pamela Geller” for his planting a “protester” in his studio audience for the sole purpose of smearing me?

Such stories would be absurd. I would never expect them. But they show up the obsequious absurdity of Wemple’s WaPo piece about Reza. Leftists and Islamic supremacists are so used to being treated with kid gloves in interviews. They have no idea what it is like to face an adversarial media – and when any of their heroes even get close to it, they start calling for the head of the interviewer who dared to treat him as if he were anything less than royalty.

About his much-lauded credentials, Brent Bozell wrote: “He also has a master of arts in fiction. That qualification seems more appropriate here. In an interview on NPR’s ‘Weekend Edition,’ Aslan had another ‘cringe worthy’ moment that even NPR felt pressed to correct on its website: ‘Our guest incorrectly says the first Gospel, the Gospel of Mark, contains no statement of messianic identity from Jesus. In fact, in Mark 14:62, Jesus responds affirmatively when asked if he is the Son of God.'”

Rob Asghar notes Aslan’s profane and immature tweets and kneejerk repetition of his supposed credentials in Forbes, and adds: “At the same time that Aslan offers viewers a splendid drinking game every time he brings up his scholarly credentials, his slippery and sloppy articulation of his credentials brings his very credibility into question.”

It’s also important to recall that Aslan blamed Robert Spencer and me for the murder of Shaima Alawadi, the California Muslim woman whose husband is now facing trial for her murder – a murder that was initially blamed on “Islamophobia” after a bogus note saying “Get out of our country, you terrorists” was found next to her body. Even after it became clear that this was not a hate crime and had nothing to do with the “anti-Muslim sentiment” that the media is so obsessed with, Aslan never backed down or apologized.

Yet he is the darling of the moment. This shows yet again that the media truly is the enemy. They are the ones who have no interest in telling the truth. Their making a hero out of a potty-mouthed creep like Reza Aslan, who lies about his foes and runs from any actual discussion or debate with them, is just the latest evidence of that.


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