Is God a Communist?

By WND Staff

Here’s one thing that really confuses me! We praise our country for not being one of those terrible countries that sends their citizens to prison just because of their believing in Christianity or any other religion or other form of politics, just like the Soviet Communist government along with other terrible communist governments.

Our country gives us the great privilege to believe in anything and not be sent to prison. We send those to prison not for their beliefs but for their criminal actions! But then why is our great God equal to the belief of that of the communist governments? You can be one who has never committed any crime and are the nicest person around, but because of your believe something he sends you to prison (hell)?!

If he is forgiving the billions of sinners since they believe, but is sending the nicest to hell just for their disbelief, then those in hell and hell itself can’t be so bad – and those in heaven and heaven itself can’t be so good! That’s Communism for you!

Jeff C.

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