On Aug. 12, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law AB 1266. Nicknamed the “School Bathroom Bill,” this absurd piece of rubbish will allow California K-12 school children the free choice of bathrooms, showers and sports teams they want to use, all in the name of gender identity. Once again, named the School Bathroom Bill, I can think of names just as fitting:
1) The “Hey, I’m Jerry Brown and I’m Insane Bill.”
2) The “Sodom & Gomorrah, Bring It On! Bill.”
3) The “I’m Jerry Brown and I’m Setting Myself Up for the 2016 Democratic Presidential Nomination Bill.”
No doubt, the Hollywood “enlightened” crowd will sing the praises of this advancement in human evolutionary progression!
Help for the sane parents and families in Caloonyfornia can be had by visiting the Pacific Justice Institute.
As for Gov. Brown, I strongly predict he’ll be a hot contender for the Democratic Party ticket for president in 2016.
Robert Blaski