Obamacare troops planning home visits

By Bob Unruh

As you prepare for the IRS to start monitoring your health insurance and make your medical records accessible to thousands, perhaps you also should vacuum your floor, wash the windows and lock up any weapons, should you be so unwise as to actually have them.

It’s all in readiness for Obamacare, which will include home visits for many citizens, maybe even everyone, depending on the interpretation of the law.

Blogger Joshua Cook at BenSwann.com highlighted the issue just this week, although it’s been evident for some time.

He points out that the federal government is allocating hundreds of millions of dollars for state programs for “evidence-based home” visits.

“Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under the ‘high-risk’ categories below: Families where mom is not yet 21. Families where someone is a tobacco user. Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities. Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forced who have had multiple deployments outside the United States,” Cook wrote.

He noted constitutional attorney and author Kent Master Brown has said it’s not a “voluntary” program.

“The eligible entity receiving the grant for performing the home visits is to identify the individuals to be visited and intervene so as to meet the improvement benchmarks,” Cook said. “A homeschooling family, for instance, may be subject to ‘intervention’ in ‘school readiness’ and ‘social-emotional developmental indicators.’ A farm family may be subject to ‘intervention’ in order to ‘prevent child injuries.’ The sky is the limit.”

And ever wonder how a government program would be aware of just who is using tobacco? Or have a disability? Or exactly what is “low student achievement”?

Read Ken Blackwell’s ideas on “Rebuilding America,” available now from the WND Superstore.

Brown, during the last legislative session, had a conversation with South Carolina Rep. Bill Chumley, who proposed a bill to nullify some Obamacare provisions. His plan was to give the state authority to arrest federal agents for trespassing and make forced home inspections under Obamacare illegal in his state.

The measure ultimately failed.

Chumley’s comments:

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Ken Blackwell wrote at American Thinker just as Democrats were ramming Obamacare through Congress without a single Republican supporter: “It’s all supposed to be voluntary, those ‘home visits’ that are tucked into the mammoth Obamacare bill. … All voluntary, they say, but once you ‘volunteer’ to have the oh-so-helpful folks from Social Services come in to help with your newborns, or with a number of other specified issues, will you ever be able to get rid of them?

“Ronald Reagan used to say the most frightening words in the English language were these: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help,” Blackwell said. “Do you spank your children? You should know that HHS bureaucrats think you are an abuser. Do you support the Second Amendment? How would you like HHS bureaucrats asking your children if you maintain firearms in the home for family protection?”

He continued: “Do you homeschool your kids? Take care. Members of Congress who have tried to abolish homeschooling are big backers of this health care bill.”

Sara Noble at the Independent Sentinel said the intent of the plan “appears to be to help people and to make certain the money is being used effectively, but good intentions can pave a road to Hell as we all know.”

“To sum up, states that collect money under an expanded grant must subject more eligible citizens to more home visits. Home visits are sometimes a good thing to help stop fraud. It does mean that people they target must be visited. How the state chooses to do this depends on them. They can barge in with police or make appointments. In some areas, government agents might need to be accompanied by police. … the fact is that the government can force their way into your house now.”

Specifically the government will target “high-risk” or “hard-to-engage” populations as well as those in “rural or frontier areas.”

WND already has reported on one such case, which soon could be typical.

It’s the case of Baby Samuel Nikolayev, who was removed by police from his mother’s arms because his parents sought to obtain a second medical opinion about a health matter.

The mother, Anna Nikolayev, is one who does not trust the system.

Crying, she said: “You can’t break into my house and take my child. They ripped my child out of my arms.”

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She told WND that she still worries CPS workers will find other reasons to take her child or other children wrongly.

Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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