Questions for Obama

By WND Staff

Along with millions of Americans, I have a truckload of questions to which I would LOVE to get answers from Obama! But we know that anyone who asks such questions in a press conference will be ignored and lose their press credentials (like Fox News did for a while). Citizens who look at what you are doing and think for themselves want to know answers not addressed by Obama or in the (controlled) media!

Questions for Obama:

Wny are you totally disregarding the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States, which have served our beloved country for over 230 years?

Why shouldn’t you and all your right-hand “promoters” in government, including Pelosi, Clinton, Holder and, of course, yourself, be IMPEACHED for multiple violations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and for the good of the country?

What have you done to the Republicans in Congress and Senate to force them to vote your way, putting them in jeopardy of losing their next elections? Or are you planning to disband Congress when you become dictator by 2016?

Why are you giving trillions of dollars to our enemies, for instance sending a squadron of fighter planes to Egypt, while doing everything you can to weaken our own military defenses?

Why are you not only allowing but encouraging illegal entry into our country and giving the illegals everything: FREE housing, FREE phones, FREE medical care and FREE everything else?

Why are you running the most opaque administration possible when you promised transparency?

The facts prove that where people are armed, the crime rate goes down. “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!” This is proven to make violent crime rates go up not down! How are you different from Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot and other dictators who took guns from their citizens while preparing to became dictators?

Tamara Ivy Iverson

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