Tea-party firebrand to fill in for Hannity

By WND Staff

A straight-talking tea-party favorite is taking over the microphone of one of the nation’s most popular talk shows on radio for a day.

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, will host the three-hour, nationally syndicated “Sean Hannity Radio Show” this Monday, August 5th.

The show reaches more than 500 affiliates nationwide and is heard by more than 13.5 million listeners a week.

Gohmert’s office tells WND he is excited to do the show.

The Texan has a knack for getting straight to the point and succinctly describing issues, especially when it comes to the many Obama administration scandals.

Gohmert’s scathing critiques often appear in WND, including his observations on the latest bombshell revelations describing how the CIA is reportedly preventing survivors from speaking to investigators about the Benghazi attack.

The congressman calls it “a Watergate-style cover-up” and says Obama’s claim it is one of a number of phony scandals “has about as much truth to it as his statement that if you like your insurance company you can keep it.”

Back in May, Gohmert was already calling for a special prosecutor to look into Benghazi, telling WND, “There’s just so much there, we haven’t got nearly to the bottom, and it already stinks to high heaven.”

In the same interview, he addressed one of the administration’s other big scandals, telling WND, “We’ve got to dismantle the IRS to the point it can never do that again.”

And, in an interview on immigration in WND last month, Gohmert described amnesty as a looming disaster for both the GOP and the nation.

But he also showed a tender side, portraying Hispanics as natural conservatives and observing, “We share a faith in God, a devotion to family and a hard-work ethic – things that made America great.”

“We have more and more Hispanics starting to realize that, and some of them I’ve served with,” Gohmert said. “Just incredibly wonderful people. And I expect in the future you will see more and more of that.”

So, if you want to hear the hear unvarnished opinions from one of Washington’s straightest shooters as he describes one of the most scandal-ridden administrations in American history, tune in on Monday to hear Rep. Gohmert hosting the Hannity show.

Check your local listings for the broadcast time and stations in your area.


U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert, Proudly Serving the First District of Texas

  Rep. Louie Gohmert Hosts
“The Sean Hannity Radio Show”

From coast to coast, from border to border, from sea to shining sea – Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) will host the three hour nationally syndicated “Sean Hannity Radio Show” this Monday, August 5th. Be sure to check your local listings for stations in your area.

Tune in to “The Sean Hannity Radio Show” from 2-5pm CT 
Monday (August 5th)with GUEST HOST, Rep. Louie Gohmert!

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