Dear President Obama:
I am just one man, but a man who has freedom in his heart. And the dream of every American is to live free, peaceably and without fear in a nation that millions have immigrated to because the United States of America gave them what their nation couldn’t. Along with millions of other Americans, my heart is bleeding as I watch you single-handedly attempt to destroy not just the core values of America, but the entire Bill of Rights.
The only difference between me and those other millions and millions of Americans that despise your policies is that I stood up. I decided that I could no longer live with myself without not only standing up, but also inspiring many others to stand as well. And I truly hope that this short letter finds you well through the miracles of social media, because my true purpose of this is to thank you.
You see, Mr. Obama, if I weren’t glued to my TV on that horrific day in December, I’d probably still be a “sleeping zombie.” But when I sat in front of that TV in tears with my wife – tears for those innocent children who were taken from their families long before they should’ve been – I would have never seen you addressing the nation with your fake tears, turning that tragedy into nothing more than a ludicrous ploy to push your ridiculous political agenda. But when you did that Sir, you changed something in me – like the flip of a light switch turning on for the first time. You ignited a fire in the very depths of my soul. At that instant, I realized why I was put on this earth. And you’ll be interested to know that things have gone very successfully. When you thought you were tapping into Americans’ emotions on that December afternoon, there were many others who saw right through you. The push for gun rights in our great nation has never been stronger. You can try all you like, Mr. President, but America will always prevail. Because in the words of our Founding Fathers, “We The People” run this nation – not you!
Now we both know that your gun-control agenda will accomplish nothing. After all, Sir, you’re a very well educated man, an attorney and the most powerful man in the free world. So surely you and I both know that criminals don’t follow any law, any rule, any ordinance or any policy. That’s why they’re called criminals.
I started Gun Rights Across America right after the Sandy Hook tragedy motivated 150,000 Americans to stand with me on Jan. 19 at every statehouse in all 50 states, and now we have nearly a quarter of a million followers nationwide. That was no small task in just seven months. And the reason for that is I have vowed to listen to the people, to listen to America, and they have clearly spoken. Perhaps you too should listen.
We don’t want any new gun-control laws in this country!
As long as you occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. attempting to explain how a tragedy occurred because of law-abiding Americans’ guns, how America will be so much safer with laws that address how to disarm law-abiding citizens but not criminals, and as long as I still have oxygen in my lungs, I’ll be in your shadows banging our drum as loud as we can for the good American people to hear.
You may have been successful at breaking our economy, but you will never break America!
Eric Reed
President of Gun Rights Across America