A video has been uncovered of Massachusetts officials promising to weed out foster parents with conservative values who would only “tolerate” a youth’s gender confusion and not endorse it.
The video was captured by Janet Aldrich of Catch of the Day Video News and featured by political activist Amy Contrada, who researches family issues through the non-profit Massachusetts-based group Mass Resistance organization.
In a new report, Contrada wrote: “It’s now official policy in Massachusetts. Adults holding traditional values will no longer be allowed to adopt or be foster parents.”
Contrada said the video is of a Boston Bar Association forum with the state Department of Children and Families and the state agency on homosexual youth.
“The DFC speakers confirmed that they are ‘weeding out’ adoptive and foster parents who are not willing to wholly accept and support LGBT (lesbian, “gay,” bisexual, or transgender) self-identification by a child in their care,” she wrote.
Michelle Gordon, a recruitment officer for the state child welfare office, is shown on the video speaking.
“We are sort of setting new expectations,” Gordon said. “We’re weeding out some of this passiveness and sort of destructive behaviors that are occurring. It is often so subtle.
“There is some weeding out of foster homes that are still going on,” she said.
The session was led by Erika Rickard of the state Commission on LGBT Youth.
Rickard said there is an urgent need for “supportive” foster parents for “gender-confused” children, estimating 20 percent of youth in foster care in the state are “gay” or lesbian.
The goal, she said, is “safe, welcoming and affirming homes.”
Eventually that will include all foster parents, officials said, since the state now requires them to take annual training on alternative sexual lifestyles.
Some foster parents say they’re comfortable with a child expressing confused feelings but really aren’t, the state officials said.
Then, when a child is in their home, they fail to provide “proper support,” according to the state.
Contrada reports: “Every social worker in the Massachusetts DCF system now has LGBT issues training. … The DCF also now runs a mentoring program for foster and adoptive parents. The 8-hour course includes discussion of sexual orientation, gender identity, and trauma understanding.”
Contrada, whose work also was posted online at the Inter-American Institute, continued her report on the seminar: “The question was asked, ‘Can transgender people be foster parents?’ The answer: ‘We [at DCF] are not considering your sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s about your fitness.’ You can’t have a criminal background; you must be able and willing and have the means to support a child.”
The panel warned “passive acceptance” is not enough, and full endorsement is needed.
The panel members said that applying the policy is becoming easier, because the pool of foster parents who hold more traditional values is aging, and many no longer qualify.
Newcomers are being warned right away that the state will not accept “destructive” conservative attitudes for a caretaker.
See the seminar:
[jwplayer TGUX28Ee]
Only a year earlier, Virginia had ruled that agencies could not be forced to provide adoption services to same-sex duos. But in many states, traditional faith-based adoption agencies already have been forced to close down by homosexual activists who demand that the religious organizations give children to homosexuals.
Foster care and adoption are closely linked, because in some states, a family is required to provide foster parenting before adoption is even considered.