Remember during the 2012 presidential election when liberals blatantly blamed conservatives for inciting a “War on Women” because conservatives and clergy held to our principles and integrity by saying “No!” to paying for women’s contraceptive care? The liberal left incited mainstream society against conservatives, both men and women, touting us as old-fashioned, out of touch, cruel and insensitive, a brood of vipers that couldn’t care less about women’s health care. Sandra Fluke was the War on Women’s poster child, spinning media and used to distort conservative views. The War on Women was a hot topic during the campaign, at times overshadowing real issues of concern to Americans: economy, borders and unemployment.
Well, liberals should be ecstatic with the final component to The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – aka Obamacare: the highly anticipated government website, I imagine them salivating with the hope as they effortlessly apply for all the contraceptive coverage they feel they deserve, underwritten by taxpayers, particularly us June Cleaver conservative women! Their dream of socialized medicine has finally materialized, and their Golden Ticket to unlimited contraceptive care awaits them. (That is, once the actually becomes functional.) Liberals are in their zenith, ready to become even more liberated, touting the message “Obama cares about women! Conservatives don’t.”
Since 2010, when Obamacare passed without one Republican vote, word on the street has been, “Obama will pay for my birth control!” Thus, low-info/no-info buzz swept through communities like wildfire. Liberal women from ghettos to Manhattan brownstones were ready to rock and roll with the news that freedom from conservative barricades to their ideology was on the horizon, backed by the prez and his crew. No copay, no coinsurance fees, no worries. Just free pretty pink pills. Sign up now through Dec. 15, 2013, and officially become government branded on Jan. 1, 2014. A new year brings new resolutions, new liberal trails to blaze.
Um … not so fast, Miss Liberal Lioness.
Have you read the fine print? Or did you just take Obama at his word when he said we could keep our doctors, but then switched up on us? He also said prices on health insurance wouldn’t increase – oh, but have they EVER increased! Furthermore he promised, “If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan. Period.” At the time of this writing, 800,000 New Jerseyans have lost their health coverage; 80 percent of Floridians with individual policies have lost their coverage; and over a quarter million Californians are now uninsured. This “president” is unconstitutionally mandating Americans to purchase health insurance and forcing people to lose the insurance they already have! Former President Bush, forever the dumping ground in all things gone awry in Obamaland, is nowhere to be found. Obamacare – the bad, worse, and the real ugly – belongs solely to Obama. Yes, hope and change have come: You hoped that this man would tell the truth, and he changed his tune. Big time.
Here’s a thought: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act doesn’t consider you a Patient, doesn’t offer Americans Protection from overreaching government intrusion, is not Affordable, and doesn’t Care if Americans want it or can afford it. Oh, but it is an Act. Indeed it is.
More than an act, Obamacare pits women against affordable insurance plans, providers, religious groups that claim exemption and, of course, each other. Once liberal women get a taste of inflated rates, deductibles, monthly payments and possibly trekking across town to be serviced by their plan’s new doc, they just might come to the knowledge of the truth: Obamacare is the REAL War on Women.
Compounded is the fact that Obamacare forcibly takes money from each taxpayer’s wallet to support low-income subsidies, you know, for those who really can’t afford insurance, because, well, most of them don’t work! Yep, plenty of liberal women will be forced to subsidize care to other liberal women – and men –who receive government assistance and have zero intention of taking responsibility for their health care. If liberal women listen intently, they might hear the sound of conservative reasoning from last year: “We will not be forced to pay for someone else’s contraceptives.” They might recall that not one Republican voted for the bill in 2010. Not one. The rules of the War on Women have changed to now include liberals, who are forced to do for other women what they tried to force conservatives to do for them: pay for someone else’s sexual lifestyle.
Oh, and let’s not forget that contraceptive care is just an itty-bitty tip of a looming iceberg, a smokescreen to appeal to women’s emotions and get us in a tizzy about our feelings. Women naturally gravitate to any semblance of protection, and, well, if conservatives won’t protect women, then indiscriminate socialized medicine, rank and file government doctors, and overcrowded social service centers certainly will. See? Obama cares about women.
In no way, does Obamacare’s War on Women stop at contraceptives, increased monthly premiums and wildly inflated deductibles. Those are just the beginnings of a myriad of issues such as coverage for pre-existing conditions, cuts in Medicare for seniors and tax increases, which will cause emotional, financial and social upheaval. Obamacare goes for the jugular with the cattle call health-care system that will surely follow. With an astounding rate of doctors leaving the industry, health care will become a health scare. Women will be subjected to sub-par services, no matter their economic status. Get ready for “one size fits all” health care, ladies.
I’m no expert on Obamacare, but I can do basic math; I do understand socialist tactics that are being leveled against us. Obamacare is an unconstitutional noose around the necks of men, women and families from ALL political parties. Forbes ran an article entitled, “Obamacare’s website is crashing, because it doesn’t want you to know how costly it plans are.” Obamacare has the propensity to divide and conquer Americans, or drive us together in opposition to it.
I’m thankful for conservative leaders like Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli of Virginia who, in less than five minutes of the passage of Obamacare in 2010, filed a lawsuit. Cuccinelli didn’t do that for conservative women; he did so for all women, all Americans. His lawsuit didn’t prevail, but he’s still fighting for Americans in the race to become Virginia’s governor on Nov. 5. Cuccinelli is one of many brave voices crying aloud and not sparing in order to stave off America’s rapid decline into full-blown socialism, which hinges largely on the success of Obamacare online. Thankfully, it has crashed and burned repeatedly, buying us precious time.
Please understand something: I don’t obtain any joy whatsoever by welcoming liberal, progressive, low-info/no-info women to Obamacare’s War on Women; I really don’t. It saddens me to know that women who need and expect quality health care from our “leader” will not get it if this train wreck of government takeover of medicine – as it is often referred to – gets any steam in its engine. All I can do is lend genuine, godly support to those who realize they’ve been had. Perhaps then, Obamacare’s War on Women will become Women’s War on Obamacare.