(Townhall) Eric Holder’s idea of implementing justice is to shake down banks on trumped up charges based on vague statistics and leftist theories. Holder’s Department of Justice recently leveled a $100 million fine against Ally Bank for “racist” lending practices without a shred of evidence. And Ally’s not the only victim of Obama/Holder Inc.’s protection racket. Apparently, the post-racial presidency of Barack Obama has decided to extort almost a billion dollars from capitalist institutions under the unjustified pretense of ‘race-based’ predatory lending.
The recent settlement made between Ally Bank and the DOJ’s Orwellian named Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is one of many that has led to over $810 million in fines and penalties. In almost all 30 cases, the Feds ran a protection scheme against companies by accusing them of race-based lending practices. Why exactly would the banks pay the fines when the Feds are unable to provide evidence backing their allegations? Well… After paying a fine, everything goes away before charges of racism are leveled in a very public three-ring-circus of a trial. If it sounds an awful lot like a protection racket… That’s because it kinda is…