[To Joseph Farah:] In your column “Meet ‘the new birthers,'” you had me right with you until I got to your, “I don’t care.” I have been reading all of your writings, and I find it difficult to believe that you do not care about Ted Cruz’s eligibility. In fact, I do not believe you do not care, unless you have been lying about your beliefs all along.
Please chock it up to a moment of despair or fatigue or temporary insanity and explain that to your readers. Otherwise I will have to say that I do not care to read more of your columns because it appears that you have given up and given in and now will accept any interpretation of the Constitution that is popular at the moment.
How about the sovereignty of the states, the right to keep and bear arms, the meaning of recess appointments, the right to life, the separation and limitations on the three branches of government? Are they now not worthy of being defended as they were designed, written and adopted?
If not, I and millions of other vets have wasted our time and sweat and effort, and many their blood, to protect and defend not a flag, not a government, not a land mass, but the Constitution of the United States. So help me God.
You know and I know and many others know that the natural born citizen requirement for the office of president and vice president excludes from those offices citizens who are not natural born. And the present list of those named as possible contenders include Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal.
This is true regardless of motivations of those bringing the matter of their eligibility to light, regardless of personal admiration and respect for any in the excluded group and regardless of the fact of the usurper presently residing illegally in our White House.
So I ask you to reconsider your “I don’t care” and instead call for those in the excluded group to stand tall and acknowledge that the preservation of our Constitution as written, and understood, and adopted, and amended, and defended from the beginning by our military forces around the world, is far more important than their personal aspirations.
I will thank you for your reconsideration.
Jim Walker