Go 3rd party, Ted

By WND Staff

Dear Joseph Farah: I just read your very fine article on “the new birthers,” and I agree 100 percent.

The reason I’m writing is to tell you that, while I like Ted Cruz very much and would love to see him as president, it is abundantly clear to me that he will NEVER be the Republican candidate for president. This is because he is not there to play games or to be a “good ‘ol boy,” like the Republican Party wants. He’s real, and that is not what the Republican Party wants.

Cruz is like “Rocky” in the Sly Stallone movies: He doesn’t know it’s a show. He thinks it’s a fight.

Mr. Farah, the only way we will be able to vote for Ted Cruz (and he gets MY vote) will be if he goes third party.

We may as well face it now – and if we are going to do something about it, now is the time to start.

God bless you, sir, and God bless Ted Cruz.

Patrick Cowdrey

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