Islam in a public school

By Pamela Geller

Not long after I published my recent article, “The Islamization of America in 2013,” I received this extraordinary letter from a parent, detailing just how far the Islamization of at least some of our public schools has advanced:

I just read your recent article on Breitbart, “The Islamization of America in 2013,” and wanted to tell you of a personal story that happened in my life.

I live in a very, very conservative area of my state. While my state is very liberal these days, there are little pockets of red. My daughter attends a brand new charter school in a highly rated conservative school district. The curriculum is Core Knowledge (J. Hirsh), along with some other types, such as Singapore Math.

Last December, I picked up my daughter, who is in fourth grade, from school. As soon as she got in the car, she proclaimed, “Allah is great,” and then said it in Arabic. I was so taken back, I am not sure how I drove home in one piece. My daughter told me that in their social studies class, they had begun a new unit on Islam. Their previous unit was the Middle Ages, in which they were learning about castles, kings and queens, and even about the Plague. That unit was completely fine, but when I learned they were learning about Islam and were being told that Allah is great and that Muhammad was his prophet sent to Earth, I got really angry, as did my husband. Actually, I was beyond angry. I was so infuriated, I was shaking.

In Core Knowledge, there is a parent book that provides an overview of what the kids will be learning, per grade and per subject. I looked at the book and read the rather large section on Islam, and was further infuriated. They were literally indoctrinating the kids with a message of how wonderful Islam is, how Allah is great, and how the big, bad Christians murdered thousands of them (without an account of what really happened in history). This video shows the parent book that is supposed to follow along with the curriculum: “Uneven Treatment of Islam and Christianity in Core Knowledge Sequence.”

The next day, my daughter brought home a homework assignment. That night, my husband wrote a note and attached it to the worksheet, and said that our daughter would NOT be filling it out, and she must not receive a bad grade for not doing it. We then wrote a long email to her vice principal and pulled her out of that class until the unit was done. I made it very clear why we were pulling her out of the class and went into detail on how vile and perverted the religion of Islam is, and how disgusting it was that it was being taught in a public school. I further informed them that what they were doing was indoctrinating, rather than giving a full picture on what Islam entails.

Luckily, a few other parents and I were able to pull our kids out, and they studied a different topic during that time – and received an A for the unit. It all happened without any pushback from the school. I know that we were very, very lucky.

A parent at the school started a Facebook group for all the parents so we could chat about school stuff. It is not school-sponsored. When this Islam unit happened, another parent made a post in the group protesting the fact that Islam was being taught. She and I and a few other parents all gave our thoughts on the matter. The interesting part is that the majority of parents who responded to this post made us out to be crazy and ignorant. They were happy that Islam was being taught, because they wanted their kids to be cultured and learn about other ways of life that they normally would not learn about in our super conservative town. When they were informed of how Islam is not the religion of peace that it was being made out to be in the classes, there was silence. No response at all.

I was completely taken aback, not only because the truth of Islam was not even being taught, but because the parents were so incredibly ignorant about the truth of Islam. Had they never heard of any stories about the things you discussed in your recent article? Had they not heard about little Malala? Did they not remember or know anything about 9/11? The Boston bombers? And the list goes on.

This school is filled with kids who come from conservative homes. I would bet that the demographics would show most to be “Christian,” anti-Obama Republicans. The financial demographics of my area and the school would be upper class and highly educated. Certainly not a bunch of tree-hugging liberals.

It seems that a huge HUGE segment of America is truly naïve on what Islam is all about and feel that it should be treated just like any other religion. It is cool and trendy to be tolerant of Islam. This is what our media, our president and our schools are teaching, and Americans are blindly following along!

This parent was aware and active. But most aren’t – and they have no idea that their children are being quietly indoctrinated into having a positive view of the most violent, oppressive, misogynist ideology on the planet today. I wrote the book Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance” for exactly this reason. Each individual must fight back, the book teaches you how. Other parents should imitate this mother, and stand up for their children. For freedom.

Pamela Geller’s commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books – featured at the WND Superstore

Media wishing to interview Pamela Geller, please contact [email protected].


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