Recently, whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg made a statement about clemency for Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden revealed secret information about how the NSA functions and collects intelligence. At the time of his employment as a contractor, he was made aware of espionage laws and was reminded periodically of safeguarding information. Edward Snowden is a criminal and must be punished.
It is absolutely necessary that the NSA, CIA and FBI gather intelligence and information on enemies both domestic and foreign of the United States of America. Members of these organizations are unsung heroes but sacrifice everything when necessary. If the United States of America is to survive it will take efforts of these organizations, the American people and cooperation from our allies.
Daniel Ellsberg revealed information about the Vietnam War, information that the American people needed to know. Americans had been brainwashed about the Big Red Scare and Communism. Vietnam was unwinnable at any cost. Funds were borrowed from the Social Security Trust to fight this war. The cost in loss of life and dollars was horrendous for Americans. Americans were divided over the Vietnam War, and ultimately the war was brought to an end.
Currently, the entire world is under attack from al-Qaida. This terrorist organization is seeking to overthrow governments and install Islamic fundamentalist governments that use Shariah law. Al-Qaida is fighting in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Kenya, Indonesia, the Philippines and most recently Croatia. Al-Qaida is founded on religious bigotry; if you are not a believer then you are an infidel. Radical Islamic clerics advocate killing infidels as a way to attain paradise. Innocent people around the world have been kidnapped and killed.
As a country we must make use of every tool possible to safeguard the United States of America from another attack like the one on September 11th! We are at war with terrorists, and it is far from being over.
Dana L. Stern Sr.