NSA cases can end government tyranny!

By Larry Klayman

During the last few decades, coinciding with the ever-expanding ethical and moral decline, the corruption in Washington, D.C., and state capitals around the nation has skyrocketed due to the near total breakdown in law enforcement. That is why We the People are now forced to take matters into our own legal hands with the current Obama administration and its enablers. My cases against the NSA are a prime vehicle to accomplish this. See www.freedomwatchusa.org.

By way of example, during the Clinton years, the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics, Bill and Hillary Clinton, committed over 40 scandals; everything from Whitewater, to Travelgate, to Filegate, to Chinagate, to Troopergate, to Vince Foster-gage – you name it. Yet the independent counsels and congressional committees, and of course the U.S. Justice Department and FBI personnel assigned and charged to investigate and prosecute, either intentionally failed to do their jobs or were compromised by the politics involved and took a dive.

To compensate for this breakdown in law enforcement, I founded Judicial Watch, which at the time was the equivalent of the People’s Justice Department. Filing over 80 cases against Bill and Hillary Clinton and their administration, I uncovered information about their misdeeds and even got a federal court to rule that the president had committed a crime when he disclosed the Privacy Act-protected files of a woman he had harassed in the Oval Office, Kathleen Willey. But despite all of my efforts, we did not score the knockout punch. While Slick Willy was impeached in the House of Representatives, the Senate refused to convict him, undoubtedly because those in glass houses decided not to throw stones. As a result, the Clintons are alive and well, their reputations buoyed by the poor performance of later administrations. Hillary, despite all of her “What difference does it make!” issues with Benghazi, regrettably is poised to succeed President Barack Hussein Obama, the most compromised and perhaps nefarious head of state in American history. Should Hillary become president, this master criminal would surely doom the country once and for all.

That is why we must set an example now, not just for the Bonnie and Clydes of the Washington, D.C., political world, but for the entire nation by going for the legal jugular in our lawsuits against the National Security Agency, President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and other felons who have literally pillaged the privacy of over 300 million American citizens with the NSA’s unconstitutional metadata surveillance of all of our telephone calls, emails, text messages and social media usages. This surveillance reveals the most intimate details of our private and personal lives and gives the so-called government access to it. And, it is no surprise that the NSA can share this information with other federal and state agencies, such as the IRS and FBI. The collection of this metadata, even if not used by the government, chills the free speech and associational rights of all of us.

Dec. 16, 2013, a valiant federal judge, the Honorable Richard J. Leon, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia – where I had filed class action suits on my own behalf, as well as Charles and Mary Ann Strange, the parents of a fallen NSA cryptologist who had been assigned to Seal Team VI and died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan, and two private investigators, Michael Ferrari and Matt Garrison – issued a historic ruling preliminarily enjoining President Obama and these NSA defendants from continuing to violate the Fourth Amendment rights of nearly all Americans. Indeed, Judge Leon ruled that the nation had essentially degenerated into an “almost Orwellian” police state.

The judge, realizing that his courageous decision went up against the heart of the so-called “intelligence” establishment, stayed his order to allow for President Obama and the other NSA defendants to take an appeal. And, that is why I am making every legal effort to accelerate this appellate process, as President Obama and his NSA are continuing to violate our constitutional rights. This cannot continue for one moment longer than necessary.

So yesterday, I announced that the other plaintiffs in our NSA lawsuits had re-filed our original class action demand in a new proceeding before Judge Leon. This new case is the only class action that actually has been filed against President Obama and the other NSA defendants. It was filed to streamline the earlier cases, also before Judge Leon, which are on appeal with a petition for writ of certiorari soon to be filed. The writ, if granted, will allow the previously filed cases to leapfrog the intermediate appellate court and to go directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In filing the new class action, the plaintiffs and I in our prior cases removed the class action demand and dropped the Verizon defendants with the right to add them later, in order to speed up the cases and move them into the discovery phase to prepare for trial. Accordingly, the original cases are now simplified, thus speeding up litigation, while the new class action can potentially entail a class of thousands if not millions of Americans as plaintiffs. Judge Leon recognizes the need for speed in these cases. He said to the government defendants at oral argument: “We work 24/7 around this courthouse, my friend. 24/7. I don’t want to hear anything about vacations, weddings, days off. Forget about it. This is a case at the pinnacle of public national interest, pinnacle. All hands 24/7. No excuses. You got a team of lawyers.”

This is what is important about our cases against President Obama and the other NSA defendants. They are a vehicle for all patriotic Americans to take on what has become not only a dishonest government but a criminal establishment without firing an actual shot, instead using the legal system to wage our revolution.

That We the People will use these cases to further our revolution – which must be waged now to avert a total collapse of our body politic and the country – should be done in tandem with our call for peaceful non-violent civil disobedience, Gandhi style. See www.reclaimamericanow.net.

The time is now to make our move to restore the nation to the vision of our Founding Fathers. Please join us in this fight as there is no time to lose.

Help Larry Klayman with his class-action suits against Obama’s use of the NSA to violate Americans’ rights

Media wishing to interview Larry Klayman, please contact [email protected].


Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "It Takes A Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!" Read more of Larry Klayman's articles here.

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