The stock market plunged Jan. 24. The reason is due to a cutoff of bailout funds. The social progressive in the White House been giving our money (future debt) to the people they point the finger at and say are bad. It makes no sense.
The shrinking middle class cannot get a decent return on “secure” savings. Reason: An effort is underway to drive the U.S. off the cliff of responsible wealth management.
Our friends on the left have our well-being at heart, but the price is that they tell the U.S. how to live. The right sees the U.S. as a resource to be used up to further its wealth management. The left wants your soul; the right wants the rest of you. It was the “middle class” that made the U.S. Think of who financed in blood and wealth the 1776 Revolution. It was the little guy with skin in the game. It was a nation of shopkeepers that made England the British Empire. Empires are nasty corporations, but they make wealth, others people’s wealth.
Life is a series of struggles with some pleasant downtime between rounds. If the current trend continues, the middle class will be on a permanent time-out in America. We will cease to exist, which pleases the power people, left and right.
As Americans are being driven apart by divisive rhetoric, the big boys are coming together. This is not good for the “common man.” It’s the ultimate divide-and-conquer game.
The prize has always been the U.S.
Edmond Day