Doc discovers Obamacare’s shocking, dirty secret

By Lee Hieb, M.D.

I am being impacted in many ways by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or, to give credit where credit is due, “Obamacare.” But the most stunning attack on my person came this month in the form of insurance rate hikes.

My older son is 24 years old, a student and in perfect health. He has never smoked, is thin, has totally normal labs, is on no meds and comes from a long line of hearty, healthy stock. It seemed appropriate to pay $47 a month for health insurance.

Then, I just received notice from Coventry Insurance that due to the new health-care law we had to make a choice from three options: 1) We could keep his insurance policy and pay nearly four times as much – $167/month; 2) We could explore a different “ACA compatible” policy; or 3) We could try our luck at the Iowa “marketplace” – i. e. Obamacare state exchange. Each option had its own phone number.

Now I’d rather sell my kid into indentured labor than put him on Obamacare, so I called the number for the new policy. I did the appropriate button pushing but ended up at the state exchange anyway. And I confess after a short conversation with a probable navigator, I hung up the phone, saying there was no way I wanted Obamacare. I also confess that I may have been a bit abrupt, thinking I would never talk to him again. So I dialed the number for option No. 1 – updating the original policy.

To my horror I again landed in the proverbial lap of the same phone navigator – is there only one of these guys for the whole state? So now, I asked more questions and discovered the dirty little secret about those three options: There are not three options of insurance. There is really only one option and only one possible policy. The issue is whether I or the great state of Iowa will be paying the premium!

So let’s be clear. A policy once costing $47 per month – a price many young people or their parents could afford – is now made vastly more expensive ($167 per month), but the price tag is being picked up for the “poor” by the State of Iowa.

Am I the only one who sees a basic flaw in this scenario?

I, one of the few remaining taxpayers, will be paying four times as much for my own insurance and paying taxes for state-subsidized insurance. And this “insurance” for the poor is also four times the actual market value. So, unless I choose to be an under-working deadbeat and go on the government dole myself, I lose financially on every front.

And remember that ACA is an acronym standing for – my fingers are cramping typing this – the “Affordable Care Act.”

Don’t think these increased premiums are increasing any payment to the hospitals and doctors who care for you. We are all taking big cuts. Small hospitals all over the country are teetering on the brink of financial ruin.

Remember when they said you could “keep your doctor”? What they really meant was, you may have to actually keep him – like in your basement. And you may need to bring in a few unemployed hospital administrators and nurses as well.

Anyone with a spare room? Will do surgery for food.

Lee Hieb, M.D.

Dr. Lee Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a free market medical organization and author of the new book "Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare." Read more of Lee Hieb, M.D.'s articles here.

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