‘Few fights’ bring cops running to school riot

By Colin Flaherty

(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.

These are supposed to be the good kids. The ones supposed to be impressed with the legacy of their high school’s namesake: Frederick Douglass.

They wear uniforms. They have a strict code of conduct. They prepare for college. They are black. And this week, they are the ones rioting at Frederick Douglass high school and junior high in Rochester.

Maybe the students don’t know the story of Frederick Douglass: How it was against the law for a slave to learn to read or get any kind of education. How he broke that law. How he risked everything just to steal a few moments with a book.

By 1838, Douglass escaped. He became known as a writer and speaker around the world. He lived for 25 years in Rochester – where today he is buried.

And where today, black people who live in his adopted home town regularly and frequently and intensely create black mob violence and mayhem. Some at the expense of learning. Some during Black History Month.

Earlier this week, dozens of police officers were called to the school to stop what school officials and some local media call a “few fights,” but what students and parents are calling “a riot:” 100, maybe more, black people fighting, destroying property, jumping on tables, assaulting people, and more.

The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle tracked down a student and parent to describe the mayhem:

“There was a lot of fights, a lot of gangs at the school, everybody is just going one against the other,” said Jada Jones, a student at the school who said she was jumped by another student and her older cousins in a back hallway on Tuesday.

Read “White Girl Bleed a Lot,” the documentation of black-on-white terror, including links to videos so you can see it yourself.

“All you heard was a lot of kids screaming, a lot of kids screaming at each other, groups of kids, everybody up on tables, jumping across tables at other kids … it was just a lot of swear words … I got attacked in the back hallway and everything is really hurting right now.”

Teresa Spence, Jada’s mom, said violence at the school is a regular and a dangerous thing. She picked up the story for the Democrat and Chronicle:

“On a daily basis you hear of kids being bullied and terrorized and even Jada herself has been a victim of it,” Spence said. “I’ve been called to the school. There has been constant mediation and it doesn’t do any good. It just came to a head with this total chaos up here today. Half of the time she is scared to come to school because she doesn’t know what she’s going to walk into or what she is going to face.

“Some days it seems as if the kids rule the school. Total chaos.”

Before it was over, seven students were arrested, two were Tasered, lots more were treated for exposure to pepper spray, and the school was locked down.

“We got maced and (someone) pulled the fire alarm and started to fight outside,” Keyani Harmon posted in the comments at the Democrat and Chronicle. “It was total madness nothing we should go through. They maced and pepper sprayed us so much I still can’t breath from it and its 5:37. I was attacked by a 8th grader.and I’m in 7th and 5’1″.”

Keyani says violence is normal at his school: “As all my friends know I attend dougles high school,” he wrote in his Facebook page. “The problem is it feels like we are in jail or prison 1. We walk thrue [sic] metal detectors. 2 we have guards walk us to the restroom 3. fights happen at any moment.”

School officials assured parents and reporters that nothing much happened. The school was safe. And it would not happen again.

They say that a lot in Rochester because this town is the scene of frequent black-mob violence.

Just a few weeks ago, a group of black people waited outside of a convenience store to attack an older white woman. Conveniently, they did it on video. And the most famous film this year in Rochester, home to Kodak, shows a black person hitting a white lady in the face with an ice ball and his fist. And laughing.

In September of 2013 in the Rochester suburb of Irondequoit, police had to close down a movie theater after 400 to 500 black people started fighting inside and outside a showing of the movie Insidious, Chapter 2. Most of the fighters were from Rochester.

“I saw police officers chasing kids, as we were pulling out of the parking lot to leave we saw police officer knock kids to the ground and one police officer was batoning kids,” said Alton Johnson to Rochester YNN.

Lt. Jonna Izzo explained it all to News 8: “They have pent up energy from being scared in the movie theater and they come out and they don’t know what to do with that energy.”

Some residents said it was strange that anyone could blame a large scale act of violence and mayhem on a movie. Others said it had nothing to with the movie: That mall and others in Irondequoit have been plagued by black-mob violence for years:

“So it’s not the first time and won’t be the last!!,” said David Sevor at the website for WHAM TV news. “It’s sad these young teenagers don’t know how to behave out in public.”

Mike Alpaha was more explicit: “It’s been a problem that has been escalating for a long time. White people are the real problem! Your (sic) all too scared to speak up and talk about the real problem!

“These young black kids are out of control and have no discipline in the home. They have no respect for anyone (especially white people). But everyone is scared of being called a racist for telling it how it is.

“I’m not a racist, but I can say that the inner-city black youth are out of control and only getting worse!”

Rochester City Councilman Adam McFadden schooled white people about their finicky sensibilities toward crime in 2011. The occasion was the aftermath of large scale black-mob violence at a city-sponsored Memorial Day party featuring barbecue ribs.

More than 200 black people showed up, ate, rioted, then left. Police arrested 13 black people, including one for assaulting an officer. If anyone in Rochester was surprised or upset, they did a good job hiding it. The local paper explained that several public holiday gatherings had been cancelled the year before because of violence, and “the city has an ongoing issue with crowds of youth at the Liberty Pole downtown.”

And it continues today: The Liberty Pole in downtown Rochester is a favorite gathering spot for black students to fight and destroy property and even fire guns while waiting for a bus. It has happened several times since September.

McFadden explained the black-mob violence at a Rochester beach thusly: “I think what you saw at the beach is what we’ve been seeing in many of our neighborhoods for two decades. It’s just that you had a lot of people there who are not used to that culture and got to witness it personally.”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

See a trailer for “White Girl Bleed a Lot”:

[jwplayer 5JNYSfuj]

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