General: U.S. Christians targeted for murder

By Bob Unruh

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, the executive vice president for the Family Research Council, is blasting the Southern Poverty Law Center for still maintaining – a year after it was linked to a domestic terror case – an online feature that identifies the family group as a “hate” organization.

In an exclusive commentary on WND, Boykin notes that attacker Floyd Corkins II picked the FRC as a target – he testified he went there wanting to kill as many people as possible – through the SPLC feature.

That organization described FRC as a “hate” group even though it “actually is a pro-family organization championing faith, family and freedom,” Boykin wrote.

“It is the intention of the SPLC to fix animus and hostility on the organizations it places on its Hate Map,” Boykin wrote. While some are “racist or supremacist” groups, the map also includes those who simply “oppose liberalized standards of sexualized morality and the redefinition of marriage.”

“There is no resemblance of such groups to violent, extremist organizations. But, that is the point. The SPLC wants to associate groups that have voiced moral objections to same-sex marriage with groups like the Skinheads. It is a powerful campaign of defamation, bullying, and destruction.”

He said the worst was the SPLC’s “inhumanity” over the attack by Corkins.

“The SPLC is run by the sort of political ideologues who can dissociate their actions from the humanity of the people they harm. There has been no change to the Hate Map nor will there be,” he wrote.

“One year has passed since [the Hate Map’s] connection to Corkins’ act of terrorism was clearly laid out in a federal court in Washington, D.C. How much time would you have needed to say, ‘Enough is enough?'”

WND has reported on the case since the attack happened on Aug. 15, 2012. Authorities said Corkins was heavily armed when he entered the FRC headquarters in Washington and started shooting.

Chief U.S. District Judge Richard W. Roberts sentenced Corkins to 25 years in prison for the attempted mass shooting.

The judge said it was clear the defendant intended to commit mass murder because he had rehearsed his crime, practiced shooting his gun and had brought 95 bullets with him on the day of the crime.

He managed to shoot and injure just one person, facilities manager Leo Johnson, who is credited with heroically stopping the attack.

Corkins admitted he picked FRC because the organization was listed as an “anti-gay” hate group by the SPLC.

FRC promotes traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs about the family and homosexuality, but SPLC claims the organization’s “real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians.”

WND has documented the Obama administration’s FBI and Pentagon using SPLC as an authoritative source of information to characterize Christian organizations as hate groups, including the SPLC’s characterization of FRC.

Corkins, a former volunteer at an LGBT community center, pleaded guilty to terrorism.

Floyd Lee Corkins

A video shows Corkins entered the building and approached Johnson, then leaned over to place his backpack on the floor. When he straightened up, Corkins pointed a semi-automatic handgun directly at Johnson and fired. Despite being wounded in the arm, Johnson was able to subdue Corkins after a brief struggle.

Prosecutors said Johnson saved his own life, and probably many others, only because he immediately sensed something was wrong with Corkins. That hunch caused Johnson to get up from behind his desk, putting him in position to tackle the shooter soon after he drew his gun.

Prosecutors said Johnson has endured a long and slow recovery, including surgery on his arm, which will never be fully functioning again, and treatment for blood clots.

See the video of the attack:

[jwplayer UfJlrAZI]

It was during an interview with the FBI Corkins fingered the SPLC.

Asked how he picked the FRC to attack, Corkins stated, “It was a, uh, Southern Poverty Law, lists, uh, anti-gay groups. I found them online. I did a little bit of research, went to the website, stuff like that.”

The FBI interview with Corkins included this exchange:

FBI: “What was your intention … You’re … a political activist you said?”

Corkins: “Yeah, I wanted to kill the people in the building and then smear a Chicken-fil-A sandwich on their face.”

FBI: “And you, what was your intention when you went in there with the gun?”

Corkins: “Uh, it was to kill as many people as I could.”

At the time of the shooting, Chick-fil-A was in the headlines because of its president’s opposition to gay marriage.

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Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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