A boot in the behind of Israel

By WND Staff

Dear Mr. Farah,

The major problem is that the ‘people “which are called by My Name” have NO idea who they are, and this is by God’s plan. He said He would “wake them up to know who they are, when HE is ready for them to know, and it is all in the Old Testament. The House of Israel (the ones God is talking about) has no clue about who they really are and what their heritage is, with VERY few exceptions. Even the House of Judah is clueless, as most of the people today that profess to be of Judah aren’t descendants of Judah.

Occasionally WND has an article of advertisement by the Philadelphia Church of God, and they seem to be of the very few that understand this.

Unfortunately, it appears that God is determined to put a boot in the behind of the House of Israel to wake them up and start doing His work.

Check out the ending of the book of Joshua and the whole book of Judges.

God bless.

Mike Martin


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