A Jew, a Christian book and an imam

By WND Staff

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri claims to have met the Messiah in vision.

Could a new book by a Christian pastor from the United States of America be used by an Israeli (raised as an Orthodox Jew by a rabbinical family) to bring Muslims to Jesus?

The answer might surprise you.

Zev Porat, who works with the Messiah of Israel Ministries to tell Jews about the Messiah Jesus Christ, has been using Carl Gallups’ new book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah,” as the ultimate proselytizing tool.

Captivated by Gallups story of Israel’s most venerated spiritual leader, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died at the age of 108 in 2006 and left behind a letter (with instruction to open it one year after his death) proclaiming the name of the Messiah was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus in the Greek – Porat received a revelation from the Holy Spirit to minister to a mosque in Haifa of this good news.

“Taking a Bible into a mosque is incredibly dangerous, but seeking an audience to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah to Muslims is an even more enviable task,” said Carl Gallups.

But Porat did it.

Seeking an opportunity to speak about Jesus and the revelations found in “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” Porat spoke to a man named Saeed, an imam at a mosque in Haifa.

He asked him, “Why do you, as a non-Muslim, want to come in the mosque?”

Porat responded, “I have a very important message for you from God.”

Saeed said, “What God?”

Porat answered, “There is only one true God for all the nations, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”

Upon hearing this, Saeed agreed to let them in.

Saeed read to Porat and his contingent a passage from Quran. When he had finished, Porat then asked Saeed to put his Quran down and said to him: “I love the Arab people. God sent me here to tell you how much He loves you.”

He would continue, “This is the true Word of God and there is only one true Yeshua who came to die for Jews, Arabs, and all mankind. He died on the tree for our sins, rose after three days and by His blood we have full redemption of sins if we repent believe (trust) in Him.”

Porat then asked Saeed a simple question: “Do you know what a rabbi is?”

He replied, “Yes, it’s a Jewish leader.”

Porat then explained the details of Rabbi Kaduri’s story and the note he left saying that Yeshua is the Messiah. Imam Saeed was not just fascinated by this revelation, but told Zev Porat that he had never seen a Jew who expressed love for him.

“God was using Rabbi Kaduri’s note to open a good conversation with a leader of a mosque,” said Porat.

Read the “Rabbi Who Found Messiah” right away!

Before leaving the mosque, Porat read many Bible verses and presented Saeed with the full Gospel. He will meet with Saeed and other Muslims again soon to continue this inspiring conversation started by a book written by an American Christian pastor.

“In my opinion, Zev Porat is truly a modern day prophet to Israel! He tirelessly ministers among his own people, the Orthodox Jews, carrying the good news that Yeshua is Messiah,” said Gallups.

He continued, “When Zev sent me an email a few days back telling me that he had gone inside a mosque and witnessed Jesus as Christ to an imam, I was blown away. When I continued reading and discovered that he had used my book as a part of his witness to the imam, I was humbled and, for a while, speechless. It is supernatural and supremely unthinkable what God is doing with this book and the movie about the book – in the land of Israel.

“I am particularly touched that Zev has such a heart of love for the Arabic and Muslim people. He expressed this deep and spiritual love to the imam. He told me that he used the word ‘love’ often when talking to the Muslim holy man. Zev said whenever he used the word he noticed the imam softening. Imagine! With the help of the book that the Lord allowed me to write – the Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented, in love, inside a mosque – to an imam in Israel! God is unspeakably amazing.”

Porat told Gallups that the Jewish reaction to the Kaduri revelation is one of amazement and that the word of it is now growing – largely through the presence of the book and the movie in Israel.

Kaduri was, without doubt, the most venerated rabbi in Israel at the age of 108.

Some 250,000 marched in his funeral procession after his death in 2007.

But when Rabbi Kaduri’s much-anticipated letter announcing the name of the Messiah he claimed to have encountered was unsealed a year after his death, the Israeli press and world media that found him so quotable in life ignored it.

Now a brand-new book and documentary, “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah,” about his life, death and the secrets he took to the grave, tells the whole mysterious story for the first time.

And what was the name of the Messiah whom Kaduri met after years of praying and fasting? It was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus in the Greek.

The book is written by former policeman turned pastor, Gallups, who previously wrote “Magic Man in the Sky,” a popular Christian apologetics work. But now Gallups turns back to his detective skills to in “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah,” unraveling a mystery of why Yitzhak Kaduri, so celebrated in life has become the forgotten rabbi in Israel.

Even Kaduri’s own family claimed Kaduri’s handwritten letter naming the Messiah was a forgery. Others in Jewish circles suggested he had simply lost touch with reality due to old age.

But Christians like Gallups believe he was not the first rabbi or Jewish leader to find his Messiah in the man from Galilee. All of Jesus’ early disciples and apostles were Jews – including Rabbi Shaul, known as the Apostle Paul, the self-proclaimed “Pharisee of the Pharisees,” who persecuted those who clung to Yeshua as the Messiah.

Then there was Simeon, the elderly man who proclaimed his life-long dream of meeting the Messiah before his death, told Jesus’ mother and father that the baby they brought to the Temple for dedication represented the fulfillment of his wishes.

Media requests for interviews with author Carl Gallups can be made by emailing [email protected].

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