Sen. Yee knew conspiracy would fund Islamic militants

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(Forbes) Alleged arms trafficker, and anti-gun California Democratic State Senator Leland Yee knew that an arms deal he was attempting to facilitate would send money to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (M.I.L.F.) in exchange for weapons, and that those weapons were intended to be imported into the U.S., and distributed in North Africa, and Italy. These allegations, along with the allegations below were revealed in the affidavit in support of the criminal complaint against Yee and his co-conspirators.

The M.I.L.F. is a secessionist movement in the Philippines whose goal is to establish an independent homeland that will be governed by sharia (Islamic Law). While the group recently signed a peace deal with the Philippine government, Justice Department documents reveal that individuals involved in Senator Yee’s trafficking conspiracy who were purportedly working on behalf of the M.I.L.F. stated as recently as March 11, 2014 that the groups providing weapons needed money because they were “trying to overthrow the [Philippine] government.”

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