(The Conservative Pundit) — Everybody and their mama is calling themselves a Conservative nowadays, including RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only). The term has become so watered down I nearly caved to the temptation to stop using it to describe my own political philosophy. Instead, I realized it was time for someone to define it; it was time to draw the proverbial Red Line where wannabe’s dare not cross. As a result, I came up with my 5C’s of Conservatism. Here they are:
1.) Christ: This is the most important “C.” Why? Without God all truth, values, and morality are mere opinions. Moral relativism is king and it doesn’t mean a thing! Conservatism is built on facts and Natural law. When Jesus says “if a man doesn’t work he shall not eat,” and Obama implies you don’t have to work to eat; or when a woman says what’s growing in her stomach is just tissue and God says “before you were born I knew you,” there has to be a measuring stick to determine who’s right. That measuring stick is God.