Why the left loves a violent riot

By Gina Loudon

Post-championship riots at the University of Connecticut last week prove to the keen political eye that we are experiencing a ripe new level of susceptibility to tyranny in our political psyche. This should sound the warning alarms in the heads of those with an understanding of history and a vision for the future of America.

There is a political use for the mob mentality, and our founders understood that well. That is why they designed a representative republic instead of a democracy. Many in our country, including the president, continue to refer to our system of government as a democracy. It isn’t, and that matters. This is a substantive omission, and here’s why.

The difference between a republic and democracy is that a republic is far less susceptible to mob rule than a democracy. By design, democracy allows majority rule, even tyrannical rule, if it is supported by the majority. Our founders knew that about majority rule, and for that reason, Benjamin Franklin warned, “We have given you a republic, if you can keep it.”

In an op-ed to the Daily Oklahoman in 1951, Elmer T. Peterson explained the key reason why a democracy doesn’t work:

“It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.”

America is exceptional because of our founders’ understanding of human behavior and the way they designed our republic.

Order Gina Loudon’s book “Ladies and Gentlemen: Why the Survival of Our Republic Depends on the Revival of Honor” – how atheism, liberalism and radical feminism have harmed the nation.

I was in New York this week and in preparation to speak on national news about our republic, I decided to go by Trinity Church and Trinity Church Cemetery to pay my respects at the grave of Alexander Hamilton. I happened upon a less celebrated grave, that of James Lawrence.

Capt. Lawrence was a Naval officer during the war of 1812 aboard the USS Chesapeake. He was shot in battle and his dying command was, “Don’t give up the ship!” The ship went down, but his words lived on and are still celebrated aboard Naval ships around the world.

America has to make a decision about the ship.

So as television news pundits guess that riots are the innocent immaturity of kids – or something that doesn’t happen as often as it does in other countries so we shouldn’t worry about it – those with a basic understanding of tyranny (and sinking ships) begin to notice something much more insidious and dark.

Americans like to think that our brains are somehow different than the Brazilians, who riot after a lost soccer game, or the Germans who fell to Nazi tyranny. But the reality is, our brains are no different, and the UConn riots prove it.

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Mob mentality plus lack of religion is the perfect recipe for tyranny.

When individualism is taken away, and replaced with groupthink, all people will become more susceptible to mob mentality. When groups are then rewarded more for being part of a group than for individual success (everyone gets a trophy mentality), that mindset deepens.

When God is taken out of schools, and now needs are met by government, the people begin to see the government as their supplier of needs. Therefore, the people are more willing to submit to the government’s requests, or even hypocrisies, because there is a sort of worship forming.

This is further consecrated when people no longer need family to help them when financial times are tough, because they have government for that. They no longer need neighbors to help them when they have needs, so they stay in their homes and wait for their government check to arrive. They no longer need local charities to help them when they are sick; they have government-controlled health-care programs for that. They no longer need church to help them in crisis, because government does. Once a society’s need for family, church, neighbors and charity are omitted, the government can move in for total control.

When religion is taken away, and moral relativity replaces religion, the mob can do anything without remorse.

Add drugs for every minor personality hiccup from ADD/ADHD to OCD and autism, and you have even more emotional, less rational masses.

In my book, “Ladies and Gentlemen,” Dr. Paterno and I describe how the survival of our republic depends on a revival of honor. Without honor, the mob mentality increases, and tyranny is inevitable. Moral conscience is lost, and moral relativism takes over. The government knows that those who subscribe to moral relativism are easy to control, even to the point of getting masses of people to riot, loot, destroy and kill in the name of what the mob believes is owed to them.

The left knows human behavior, and so did the founders.

The founders designed a representative republic, but the statists want to turn it into a democracy, which is easy for an elite few to control.

Consider the UConn riots. The naive may wonder why students would destroy property, even when they won the game. The answers are simple. When you remove a sense of ownership from people, it is easy for them to destroy. Students today have had trophies for showing up. In California, students who show up to class are rewarded with cars and iPads. Students get loans and funding for school, and they feel no sense of ownership since they don’t have to write a check to pay tuition every semester. They are constantly indoctrinated that there is some rich guy out there who is at fault for everything wrong in their lives. Thus, if the students destroy school property, the government will just take more from the evil rich guy to fix what was destroyed

The administration and the elites in D.C. have convinced kids that they don’t need God, that morality is relative, that they don’t need to work to get stuff and that if you have a temper tantrum and decide to destroy stuff, the evil rich guy deserved it anyway!

As Obama’s Rahm Emanuel even admitted, the elite in D.C. don’t let a crisis go to waste. They will use the riots to whine about inequality, to create a new self-esteem program or maybe to outlaw winning altogether!

The elite are gleeful at the sight of these riots because it is another brick in their wall of control. The news this week also reported that there is a trend among millennials to be less religious. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone – this administration has done everything in its power to replace God as the one people need in their lives.

This is all by design.

The answer, you ask? Radical reform. No more free stuff, including education, even for those in need. Homeschooling is huge today, and very well streamlined. For those who need help, charities can help.

Put God back in school and destroy the theocracy of political correctness that says terrorist political systems are religions, and that our founders didn’t intend “One nation under God.” They did. Deal with it. If you don’t like it, move away to a country that agrees with you. There are many to choose from, but America isn’t one of them.

Eliminate the self-esteem movement along with the IRS, Department of Education and most other government bureaucracies. Let people fail so they can experience the American dream when they succeed.

The next batch of elected leaders in our nation’s Capitol will need to be as convicted about reform as were our framers. Radical reformers are needed. If we don’t demand this, we go down with the ship. As James Lawrence implored, “Don’t give up the ship!”


Gina Loudon

Gina Loudon, Ph.D., is host of America Trends on the YTA cable TV Network. She is the best-selling co-author of two books, "What Women REALLY Want" and "Ladies and Gentlemen: Why the Survival of Our Republic Depends on the Revival of Honor." Her psychological, political and social analysis is in high demand on networks including Fox News, Fox Business, Dr. Drew, Salem Radio, C-SPAN, ABC, Al Jazeera, HLN & BBC. She has appeared on ABC's prime-time reality show, "Wife Swap," and Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central. She is married to former state Sen. John Loudon and has five children, including one child with Down Syndrome by the miracle of adoption. Read more of Gina Loudon's articles here.

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