Cop who Tased Alzheimer’s patient loses job

By Around the Web

(Kokomo Tribune) A former Peru police officer’s nearly two-year legal battle to get his job back after he Tasered a nursing home resident is at an end.

The Indiana Supreme Court earlier this month ruled it would not hear the case of Gregory Martin, who in 2012 Tasered 64-year-old James Howard, a resident at Miller’s Merry Manor Nursing Home in Peru who has advanced-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

The final decision by the court means Martin will not get his job back.

Police departments are acquiring major battlefield equipment that emboldens officials to strong-arm those they should be protecting. “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming our Reality” (Autographed) chronicles how we got to this point.

Martin deployed a Taser on Howard for 31 seconds in a 65-second period after officers and nursing home employees said Howard was combative and wouldn’t obey commands to enter an ambulance to go to the hospital.

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