Is the far right moving to impeach Obama?

By Around the Web

(Washington Post) If you’re looking for some beach reading this summer, you might pick up a copy of this soon-to-be-released book: “Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment,” by National Review writer Andrew McCarthy. It’s hitting bookstores at the perfect time, just as John Boehner has appointed a select committee to investigate Benghazi, and will no doubt be required reading on Capitol Hill and at the Fox News studios.

Is it reasonable to surmise that a move to impeach Barack Obama is a realistic possibility?

Read the book that started it all … “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama from Office” (Autographed) with free Impeach Obama bumper sticker”

It isn’t that no one has talked about impeaching Obama before, because they have. But for the last five years, impeachment has been the purview of the nuttier corners of the right — the conspiracist web sites, the chain emails, the ranting radio hosts. For much of that time, the complaints weren’t so much about specific alleged misdeeds as Obama’s fundamental illegitimacy. Impeach him because he isn’t American. Impeach him because ACORN and the New Black Panthers stole the election for him. Impeach him because while other presidents hired people known as “White House staff,” when this president does it they’re “czars” wielding unconstitutional powers.

Former Rep. James Rogan recounts his experience as an impeach manager during the Clinton era in fascinating detail in “Catching Our Flag: Behind the Scenes of a Presidential Impeachment.”

They could certainly give you a list of particulars if you asked, but what it came down to was that Barack Obama was, well, Barack Obama.

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