One of many myths surging through American culture today is that whites are rampaging racists, but minorities are simply peace-loving folks who never engage in violence. This canard is the kind Al Sharpton might teach in a civics class.
And we all know that the mainstream media is Al’s civics class.
That’s what makes an investigative journalist like Colin Flaherty all the more important. His new book, “White Girl Bleed A Lot,” exposes the brutal violence minorities inflict on those for whom they have contempt – a worldview fostered by the type of incitement Hillary Clinton is supposed to have gotten the Palestinian Authority to stop.
I digress.
Flaherty’s book is the kind all Americans need to read. For one thing, it might save your life. We must face facts, and the fact is, racial violence against whites is reaching lethal levels. If the mainstream media masks that fact, the rest of us through word of mouth can alert our friends and family to be on guard.
In “White Girl Bleed A Lot,” Flaherty pulls the ski mask off the face of racial violence, noting that “games” like “Beat Whitey Night,” or the better-known “Knockout Game,” are a scourge in more than 50 American cities. This violence has escalated sharply since 2010.
The thing is, we all know that many of us would say: “Yeah, but that’s in New York City or Chicago.”
In point of fact, however, get a load of some of the cities Flaherty lists as having serious racial violence problems: Greensboro, Nashville, Portland, Saratoga Springs and Des Moines. Not exactly the gritty streets of Cicero.
Flaherty is one of those hard-boiled reporters who investigates issues personally. Hear his chilling account of some of this violence: “In August 2011 on a porch in Wilmington, Delaware, ten black men beat a delivery man unconscious. While they laughed. I was only 200 yards away at the time and would have heard the incident had I not been sitting next to a fan. Two months before, a dozen black people attacked joggers with tear gas at Brandywine River Park. A few weeks later, a mob of twenty black people surrounded a bicyclist, knocked him down, and stole his bike. But since only four people actually put their hands on the cyclist, the local newspapers said only four people were involved. This kind of math happens a lot.”
Do you see how insidious is the media silence? This type of information is all throughout “White Girl Bleed A Lot.”
And a huge asset the reader takes away from “White Girl Bleed A Lot” is the inclusion of scan codes throughout. If a reader has a smart phone “Scan” app, lots of videos can be viewed that buttress Flaherty’s reporting.
Just one of many, many sad examples of mob violence presented by Flaherty: Kansas City, a nice town known for great barbecue, uneven success from pro sports teams and Midwest values, recently saw a homeless man beaten by a group of 15 kids “thought to be younger than sixteen years old.”
Flaherty is an effective writer, blending his reporting skills with a real sense of making the information accessible. The book has 40 small chapters, vignettes, which paint a picture as chilling and ugly as the videos. For example, Chapter 26 (“100 Best Media Excuses”) gives the reader an insight into how the media portray (read: excuse) the haters.
Excuses that Flaherty notes range from boredom, to expressing discontent, to well, they’re just kids.
Flaherty also helps the reader be proactive: “People buy this book to read it themselves but also to give it away – mostly to their liberal relatives at family gatherings with an admonition to ‘Read This!’ as they slam the book on the table.
“For all those readers out there on the wrong end of the holiday book slam, I feel for you. So this chapter is for you. It’s a handy guide for liberals in search of reasons to explain the epidemic of black mob violence all over the country.”
Flaherty, a very clever writer, also humorously coaches readers to counter the icy reception from liberal relatives: He encourages the book giver to shout out, “Read 17! 22!”
It’s an effective strategy. Overall, readers should simply shout the title of this important book to as many in their circles as they can.