Obama, Reid defend only laws they like

By Joseph Farah

I’m a little surprised by how many letters I have received vilifying Cliven Bundy, not just for being a “racist,” which he clearly is not, but for being a free-loader and a trespassing lawbreaker.

I don’t get it.

Bundy is doing what his family has been doing for more than 100 years – allowing his cattle to graze on public land. And since most of the western United States is federally owned land, it’s a little difficult to graze cattle anywhere else.

But that’s why the Bureau of Land Management, under the watchful eye of, if not direction of, one of the most powerful men in the U.S. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid – sent some 200 armed agents to rustle Bundy’s cattle.

Ask yourself this question: Why is one of the most powerful politicians in the U.S. so concerned about a rancher grazing his cows on federal land? Why has he inexplicably called for, Leon Trotsky-style, a “united front” against Bundy? Why has he labeled this humble old harmless codger a “domestic terrorist”? Why did he say ominously, when the government-made siege and crisis were defused in Nevada, “This isn’t over.”

It’s strange to me that Harry Reid doesn’t have more pressing matters on his mind – things like people being thrown off their health-insurance plans because of Obamacare, Russia paying no mind to Barack Obama’s threats of sanctions as it rolls over Ukraine, a miserable economy that has failed to respond to the voodoo treatments of his party and his president. I’m trying to imagine how and why Reid would even have time to think about Cliven Bundy.

Yet, Reid is obviously obsessed about Bundy. He’s conducting a scorched-earth policy toward him. Bundy has become the dividing line between decent people and indecent people, in Reid’s moral universe. If you’re not against him, you’re for him, he says. And everyone, especially Republicans, is being hounded to take sides.

What’s interesting to me is that Reid and the other Bundy-bashers claim all their hatred and vitriol is incited by the breaking of the law by the Nevada rancher.


Since when do Barack Obama, Harry Reid and their disciples care about violations of the law?

Do they care about violations of immigration law? No.

Do they care about violations of the Constitution’s separation-of-powers doctrine that prohibits the president from legislating and amending legislation? No.

Do they care when the Internal Revenue Service, the most feared government agency in America, is illegally used as an attack dog against Obama’s political enemies? No.

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Do they care when the president illegally directs assassinations of U.S. citizens without due process? No.

You see, Harry Reid’s outrage against lawbreakers is very selective. He seems to be much more concerned about small potatoes than monster violations of the public trust.

Wouldn’t you say?

Sending 200 armed agents after Cliven Bundy is like demanding the the death penalty for a litterbug.

And here’s another thing about Reid: He’s the senior senator from Nevada, right? Is he really representing the interests of Nevadans by allowing Washington to own and control 84 percent of the state’s land?

I don’t think people should be divided over how they feel about Cliven Bundy.

I think a better dividing line would be Harry Reid.

Not only is he a corrupt, lying demagogue, but he’s a bully, too.

My guess is that if you polled America on who they like better between Reid and Bundy, the rancher wins in a landslide.

And maybe that’s what bugs Reid so much.

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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