Re: “DeMint: Is America past the tipping point?”
Jim DeMint’s solution for the healing of America is by falling in love with America once again. DeMint is dead wrong.
The real solution to restoring our once-blessed nation is to fall back in love with the God we have abandoned.
America is looking in all the wrong places right now for the restoration of this once great and blessed nation. We keep hoping that electing the right political leaders will turn our nation around. But at the same time, we continue to call what God calls an abomination, good and what God calls good, evil.
Until we see ourselves as our holy and sovereign God sees us and return to doing His will instead of our own, He is going to continue to withhold His blessing from America and instead chastise, punish and turn His back on us until we surrender our wills to His will.
Only when His people fall back in love with God and his precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, will our nation be healed from all the evil and corruption that now surrounds us! Stop looking in all the wrong directions, America. (“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”)
Larry F.