Christian TV personality launches new prophecy show

By Leo Hohmann

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Speculation about where end-time prophecy guru and Christian TV personality Gary Stearman would land following his resignation last month from “Prophecy in the News” has finally been put to rest.

Stearman is joining Christian book author and publisher Tom Horn to form SkyWatch TV, which will begin filming pilot programs in October from a new studio in Missouri. The shows will be syndicated for cable channels nationwide.

Horn told WND that landing Stearman, considered by many as “the face of prophetic programming,” was a big catch for his fledgling Christian television project.

Stearman spent 28 years as host of the syndicated TV show “Prophecy in the News” and editor of a companion magazine by the same name. He left that organization in August.

Gary Stearman
Gary Stearman

Horn is CEO of Defender Publishing Group and has authored several books including “Zenith 2016” and “Blood on the Altar: The Coming War Between Christian vs. Christian.”

He also produces the Raiders News Update.

Both Stearman and Horn said their vision for SkyWatch is to create an edgy, investigative TV program that isn’t afraid to cover controversial topics of interest to Christian viewers.

“It’ll be almost like a Christian version of ’20/20,'” said Horn. “If you’ve seen Raiders News, it’s just different. We probably do a lot of shows others would be afraid to touch.”

Stearman and Horn have appeared on air together for years during segments of “Prophecy in the News,” discussing everything from trans-humanism to biometrics and other advances being rolled out at mind-numbing speed – all leading to greater control over the everyday lives of humanity. They share an interest in world events, culture, history and technology as they relate to end-times prophecies in the Bible.

“We were appearing on Sid Roth or Jim Bakker or some other show and doing media with other people, so it just made sense for us to start our own media company,” Horn said of Raiders News. “So a year-and-a-half ago, we bought five acres of commercial land in Crane, Missouri, and we have another 150 acres there where we have plans for a retreat and conference center.”

Horn said the new TV program will bring in journalists, authors, criminologists, geneticists and other experts.

“Whatever the subject matter is that’s in the news that needs to be addressed and that might not be adequately addressed through other outlets – that’s what we want to do,” he said.

Horn told WND, “There was no conspiracy involving Gary Stearman. We didn’t go out to get him.”

“Prophecy in the News” was founded in 1976 by Bible teacher J.R. Church, who died in 2011 following a three-year battle with cancer. The show continues to be produced by his family members. A message from Church’s wife, Linda, appeared on the ministry’s website this week announcing that Kevin Clarkson will take over as the new host of “Prophecy in the News,” replacing Stearman.

But after Stearman left Church’s ministry, Horn said he became the natural fit for the anchor position he was looking to fill at SkyWatch.

“Gary has many attributes, not the least of which is he’s a fabulous scholar, knows history, has just a steel trap for a mind in the amount of information he can process, and not to mention the camera likes him,” Horn said. “We do intend to film our pilot shows in October, and we intend to begin broadcasting in November.”

Horn said he is building three studios on the five-acre site in Crane. Studio A, designated for the SkyWatch program, is already built. A website for the show is under construction.

Investigating the ‘dark corners’ of the Bible

Stearman said he is eager to start filming.

“Tom has a long history as a publisher and as an author, dealing with cutting-edge subjects like trans-humanism, the merging of genetics and computer sciences, and artificial intelligence,” he said. “Artificial intelligence will rise to become a power on its own in a few years and that will tie into Bible prophecies of the rise of Antichrist, and so we find a correlation between Bible prophecies and various scientific advances.”

Stearman refers to these types of topics as “the dark corners of the Bible.”

“That’s something Tom, and myself, have been looking into for years, the dark corners that the Bible talks about but people don’t investigate very much,” he said. “There’s a sort of inertia, so people stay away.”

When he’s not producing TV shows or interviewing guests, Stearman is an author, Bible teacher and pastor. He is the author of “Time Travelers of the Bible” and pastor of Grace Fellowship, a nondenominational Bible church in Oklahoma City.

“Over the years, Tom and I have come to realize we have been operating on two sides to the same coin,” Stearman said. “We’re going to be trying to develop these cutting-edge subjects with experts like L.A. Marzulli (author of “The Watcher” series) and Bill Salus and a number of authors, talking about prophetic developments that are brand new, happening as we speak.”

Stearman said he will remain based in Oklahoma City and travel to Missouri as needed.

The other common interest Stearman said he shares with Horn is to defend dispensationalism, or the view of end-times prophecy that breaks history into a church age and Israel age.

“We’re defending dispensationalism, which is the teaching that there’s a distinct period of the church on earth and that will end with the rapture,” Stearman said. “There are so many books coming out lately, the Mark Biltz story of the ‘Blood Moons’ for instance, that stirred a lot of people to say, ‘Wow we’re maybe within years of the end.’ I wouldn’t go that far, but on that basis, when I work with SkyWatch, we’re going to address this and have Blitz and other authors in, and present both sides and have a full discourse. I’m not dogmatic in my interviewing style.”

Tracking the trackers

Stearman refers to the burgeoning technocracy as a “multi-headed dragon,” which is growing at break-neck speed in its effort to track, monitor and control all human activity.

“From artificial intelligence and trans-humanism to DARPA developing the perfect soldier, we really can’t wait to sit down and start talking about these things because they’re happening so fast,” he said. DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is the research arm of the U.S. Department of Defense.

Bob Ulrich, who spent 25 years as a marketing agent for Prophecy in the News, has also left that ministry and will join Stearman and Horn in the new SkyWatch TV venture.

Stearman said Ulrich will be a critical player.

“Bob’s an absolute expert in marketing, and when it comes to developing markets for Christian books, CDs, DVDs, or scouring the latest offerings and coordinating the various authors, he acts as an agent and brings all these people together so we’ll have a real solid flow of guests and ideas,” Stearman said. “Bob Ulrich has demonstrated over the years that he is just really good at that.”

Stearman spent nearly 30 years hosting “Prophecy in the News” and felt like it was time for a change.

“Honestly, I really believe we live in remarkable times, and I think we’ll all look back at this time and be amazed at the revolutionary changes we lived through. If you are a student of Bible prophecy, you couldn’t be alive in a better time, as we’re seeing perhaps unprecedented developments since the days of Abraham, Moses and Jesus,” he said.

“I think we’re living in a historical moment at least as important as those biblical moments we read about. Tom and I have a very special relationship, he’s a very straight-forward and good-natured guy and open to new ideas and is constantly searching to break new ground and loves to find authors and presenters.”

Leo Hohmann

Leo Hohmann has been a reporter and news editor at WND as well as several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas. He also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. His latest book is "Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement Jihad." Read more of Leo Hohmann's articles here.

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