During an American radio interview Sunday, radical British Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary warned the U.S.-led war against the Islamic State will likely result in a home front attack that will be “much more high profile” than the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks or the London bombings of July 7, 2005.
“And these guys they love death the way that other people love life. They want to die as martyrs,” he warned.
Choudary was released from jail last week pending trial on suspicion of encouraging terrorism.
His students and followers reportedly have been distributing materials in the U.K. encouraging British Muslims to join the Islamic State, or IS. He is the co-founder of the banned group al-Muhajiroun, which supported al-Qaida ideology.
Speaking Sunday on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s AM 970 The Answer, Choudary says he views the war against IS in Syria and in Iraq as “one which is going to be unparalleled in recent history.”
Choudary explained: “Because we are not talking now about guerrilla warfare. We are not talking about people, you know, who are fighting from the mountains and who don’t have actually a base. We are talking about a state. And by all accounts this state is bigger than Britain. Well trained and well experienced armies with a sort of backing from a state apparatus.
“By the American and British accounts themselves, they say there are at least 50,000, and from what I can see from what’s taking place online they say there are at least 1,000 people who are joining the army on a daily basis.”
“And these guys they are fully integrated into the local communities. They are backed by scientists and engineers from around the world who flock to the Islamic State because they want to live by the Sharia.”
Choudary criticized the U.S.-led coalition airstrikes targeting IS in Iraq and Syria.
“I mean you can’t fight people like that. You can’t bomb them from the air and hope they are going to disappear,” he said.
Asked by Klein whether he believes IS will attack within the U.S., Choudary said he believes the Islamic terrorist group’s so-called retaliation could dwarf Sept. 11.
“I think that if you have things like 9-11 and 7-7 (the London bombings) before from people who were fighting guerrilla warfare there’s much more likely to be a response and a much more high profile one, I think, against those countries who are now engaging in a war against a state.”