Federal liars and the lies they tell

By Burt Prelutsky

If politicians and bureaucrats ever stopped lying for even five minutes, the ensuing silence would make the rest of us think we’d gone deaf.

For instance, we’re being told repeatedly that we have nothing to fear from the now-deceased fellow down in Dallas who, instead of bringing back a souvenir T-shirt reading “I’ve Been to Liberia, Don’t Ask Me Why,” brought home a case of Ebola.

We’re being told by medical professionals, who just happen to be paid by the federal government, that the disease is terribly difficult to transmit. I’d almost be willing to believe them if every time I see one of these victims being transported to a hospital, he or she wasn’t being accompanied by people decked out from head to toe in hazmat suits.

Perhaps I’m simply being too doggone cynical, a trait I seem to have been born with, a trait I keep trying to overcome, but the politicians and bureaucrats simply won’t let me. For instance, just in the past few years, they lied about funneling weapons to Mexican gangsters and they lied about Obamacare; they refer to Islamic terrorism as workplace violence, lied about the IRS not targeting conservatives and they let our veterans die while waiting for medical attention.

The bastards even lied to the Ebola victim, sending him home from the hospital the first time he showed up, essentially telling him he had a bad cold even after he came clean about where he’d just come from. On the other hand, he’d lied to the Liberians about having had no contact with Ebola victims just so he could get an exit visa. Makes a person wonder, if he’d been cured, whether the late Thomas Duncan would have planned to run for public office.

Even Obama’s former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta blames the president for what’s happening in Iraq. Unfortunately, like every other schmuck in Washington, he waited three long years to write a book, expressing his dire warnings.

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It’s simply not in the DNA of political appointees to ever quit over a matter of principle. We are told, belatedly, that even Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Obama to maintain a force of at least 10,000, but preferably 24,000, soldiers in Iraq to avoid the likes of ISIL filling the inevitable vacuum.

But, clearly, it is too much to expect public servants to forgo the limos, the free junkets to exotic locales, the five-star hotels and the kowtowing entourages, over such a minor issue as national security.

It’s as if a lack of principles has become a prerequisite for those employed in Washington, D.C. We are constantly seeing the same lack of character and patriotism every time some bureaucratic nonentity claims to take total responsibility for an act of incompetence or criminality, but doesn’t resign or, unfortunately, ever face an indictment and a prison term.

One of the ironies of life is that the Democrats have assumed as one of their favorite themes the Republican War on Women. Talk about chutzpah! This is the party of Jack, Bobby and Ted Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Bob Packwood and Bill Clinton. Each of them was married and an Olympic-class sexual predator. One of them was a rapist and one of them left his paramour to drown in his car while he ran home and got his family’s legion of suck-ups to provide him with an alibi.

Just about the only woman who has come through an association with the higher-ups in the liberal camp virtually unscathed was Julia, the fictional character the Democrats came up with to illustrate how benevolent their policies are when it comes to females. Of course, Julia was shown to be entirely dependent on a man, Uncle Sam, to clothe, feed and house her, even though the likes of Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren are constantly telling young women how independent and powerful they are in this post Roe v. Wade America.

But a great many single women are so stupid that they can’t even see the obvious contradiction between being sold Julia on the one hand and flattery carrying the aroma of manure on the other hand.

When I say that single women, who vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats, are stupid, I’m not out to insult them. I’m merely stating a fact.

For instance, they’re so dumb that they actually think abortion on demand is a boon for them. Actually, Roe v. Wade has been one giant Get Out of Jail Free card for irresponsible males. It ensures that they can have unprotected sex with 10 different women in the same day, knowing they won’t be stuck having to provide even one cent in child support. Is it any wonder that Bill Clinton has been such an ardent supporter of the 1973 Supreme Court decision?

Finally, it is time for yet another Prelutsky poll. This time, there are just two questions: Will the GOP reclaim control of the Senate in the midterm elections? If it does, will it make any real difference?

Please send your votes to me at [email protected] without any commentary, just a simple “Yes” or “No,” if you’d be so kind.

Media wishing to interview Burt Prelutsky, please contact [email protected].

Burt Prelutsky

Burt Prelutsky has been a humor columnist for the L.A. Times, a movie critic for Los Angeles magazine and a freelance writer for TV Guide, Modern Maturity, the New York Times and Sports Illustrated. His latest book is entitled ""Barack Obama, You're Fired! (And Don't Bother Asking for a Recommendation)." Read more of Burt Prelutsky's articles here.

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