When a diehard liberal woman like Tina Brown comes out and completely destroys the left’s “war on women” argument, you know you are in trouble. In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Brown didn’t mince words when she made it clear that Barack Obama has shattered the confidence women once had in him.
Probably realizing that the Dems are going to get scorched in the mid-terms, she tried to justify the reason why he was losing one of his most loyal support groups – and to tell the truth, she was absolutely right. She said what we conservative women have been shouting at the top of our lungs for years now, that Obama makes us feel “unsafe” because we can’t trust him or his administration to lead us, protect us, make good decisions for the country and, most of all, to just be honest with us.
Everyone is concerned about the state of our union. Recent polls have stated that 58 percent of voters believe that the world is “going to hell in a hand basket”; 61 percent don’t feel hopeful about the direction the country is taking; 49 percent feel that they are worse off than when Obama took office, and this is all reflected in his lowest approval rating ever – 40 percent.
Women in particular are waking up and paying attention. They see what is happening with their families, how Obama’s policies are affecting them not only economically, but with regard to their safety from homegrown terrorists, the spread of Ebola and a wide open border that allows illegal children, criminals and other unknown entities to be dropped off in communities all over the country. Schools, hospitals and social services are being overwhelmed with an influx of people they cannot handle, and women are seeing the effect this is having on their families’ lives. Because of the Obama economy and the implementation of Obamacare, more women are being given less choices in their lives, due to the loss of jobs, rising insurance costs and the overall cost of living. Women have fewer options now than they did before Obama’s policies took hold. Even college graduates who looked forward to a promising career along with a possible family are faced with years and years of student loan debt and will probably have to put their lives on hold just to stay afloat.
Of course women feel “unsafe.” All of the promises out of Obama’s mouth were just empty. He told us what we wanted to hear, and now we are finding out that he was all “razzle dazzle” with no substance. Everything has been a lie, and now we are realizing that if someone threatens us, he will hide behind our skirts!
Women can now see that Obama has made their lives more difficult with less opportunity and more fears for the present and the future. This is not a sexist comment, but women want to feel secure. They want to know that they can go to bed at night and feel that there is someone in control who is looking out for them. The general feeling among women right now is that no one is in control, and worse, no one knows what they are doing.
Never before have we seen as much chaos as we are seeing now. Women are very aware of this chaos, maybe even more than men, and they are going to start looking for leaders who have a plan and follow through with it. No more wishy-washy, indecisive, double-talking politicians who make grandiose promises and then disappoint us. Women will believe you for a while, give you the benefit of the doubt, but once they see that you continue to lie and deceive them, then they are done.
Obama has had his chance. It has certainly taken the left long enough to see the light when it comes to figuring it out. They have finally seen that the emperor has no clothes, and according to Tina Brown, he is “the cool guy in the corner office, who calls a meeting, says ‘this has to change,’ doesn’t put anything in place to make sure that it does change, then when it goes wrong, he’s blaming everybody.” Well, hallelujah! Maybe the left is finally waking up!
Media wishing to interview Morgan Brittany, please contact [email protected].