Have you ever seen or heard of a homosexual waiting room, water fountain, restroom, lunch counter, being denied entrance to a school, being sent to the back of the bus, being denied service in a public facility, such as a restaurant or department store, or having to step aside for a heterosexual in any public arena?
If you are a black born prior to 1950, you have seen, and probably experienced, some of the aforementioned activities, especially if you were born in the South. Blacks marched, sued in court and protested for the right to achieve civil rights and exercise the civil liberties now freely available to any and all who live and work in the America of 2014. Homosexuals can register for any hotel and eat at any restaurant, etc. Homosexuals are perfectly free to exercise any and all constitutionally guaranteed rights in the U.S.
They are not legally or publicly discriminated against based on how they look, talk or walk. Homosexuals, per se, are free to enjoy their civil rights. No business would deny entrance to a practicing homosexual who merely walked in to purchase merchandise, unless they insisted the business violate their moral code. This is what holdups are about – forcing someone to act against their will.
Let us clarify something at this point: Although it has been widely characterized differently by the media and its advocates, homosexuality is about one thing: how one has sex.
At least 99.9 percent of Americans are not particularly interested in what others do in their bedrooms. You are free to sleep with the lights on, in men’s or women’s sleeping attire, nude, in bright purple polka dot underwear, in a single, double or king size bed with whomever your choose. The overwhelming majority of Americans are not nosing about to discover people’s secret sexual agendas. When was the last time someone asked you when and how you and your spouse or significant other had sex? What you do in your bedroom is your business, and it should remain behind closed doors. We do not have to agree with one’s sexual preferences(emphasis added) because – to utilize a much underused phrase in this matter – “It ain’t none of my business.”
The homosexual agenda is not about “freedom.” It is about shouting to the world what two (or more) people do in what should remain the privacy of the bedroom. In other words, the homosexual agenda primarily consists of attempting to force the majority of Americans, through legal means via liberal courts and a left-leaning media, to accept a particular type of bedroom behavior. They are demanding the majority be forced to accept the sexual agendas practiced by a very small minority.
Statistical evidence debunks the notion that the homosexual population is near 10 percent of the entire U.S. population.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports: “Based on the 2013 NHIS data specifically, 1.8 percent of men self-identify as gay and 0.4 percent as bisexual, and 1.5 percent of women self-identify as lesbian and 0.9 percent as bisexual.”
Celibate people, and those who practice abstinence (heterosexual or homosexual), neither demand nor seek acceptance for their type of, or lack of, sexual behavior. Let me reiterate: Homosexual behavior has nothing to do with civil rights. It is all about how one has sex.
If one accepts the concept of evolution as being the origin of the human species, then one is forced to accept the fact that homosexuality is not natural. Place 500 male homosexuals (only) on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and 500 lesbians (only) on an island in the middle of the Atlantic. Then come back in 50 years and count the population.
On the other hand, if one accepts thebiblical concept of male and female, place any combination of male and female groupings (black, white, yellow, red, brown) on similar islands, then come back in 50 years and count the population. The same holds true for any other groups of same-sex animals placed on said islands. If same-sex coupling is natural, then homosexual “males,” and lesbians in the “male” role (human or animal), would be able to reproduce. Experience and science all demonstrate absolute evidence to the contrary. In other words, a continuing function of a male and female is natural reproduction.
I could be wrong, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that “Everything produces after its own kind” (Genesis 1).
Media wishing to interview Ben Kinchlow, please contact [email protected].