‘How sure are you?’

By WND Staff

What if we ran a massive advertising and social-media campaign based on the question: “How sure are you?”

Promote the idea that perhaps those who are killed by Islam are considered by “God” as martyrs and immediately upon death go to heaven and become a favorite while the wrath of “God” is visited upon the killers with eternal torment.

How do you know which story is true?

How can you tell who’s lying?

Is Jesus the Son of God?

Is the pope his representative on earth?

Did Muhammad promote his personal ideas, or was it from God?

Are you really sure enough to judge who’s lying that you would gamble not only your life but your eternity?

There are many views of God. Only primitive ones promote terrorism, force, murder and destruction.

All other world religions, including perhaps mainstream Islam, have evolved and matured to an understanding that all life is sacred, and it is not for any man to claim he knows the mind of God or that he knows what is best for someone else. Each person must work out his own salvation and not be forced or terrorized into joining any religious cult.

Repent and be forgiven.

Stella Storm

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