Insiders: Assisted suicides happen in every state

By Around the Web

(NBC) Far from the global glare on Brittany Maynard, physicians across America are risking prison by covertly helping terminally ill people end their lives via lethal overdoses, asserts a leading “death-with-dignity” advocate.

In the 45 states where physician-assisted suicide is illegal, some doctors and nurses leave those drugs with their patients or with patients’ families while giving cryptic instructions — all to avert prosecution, said Barbara Coombs Lee, president of Compassion & Choices, a national nonprofit working to expand the rights of the terminally ill.

“There is a surreptitious, clandestine, aid-in-dying practice in every state of the country,” said Combs Lee, who bases that claim, in part, on eight surveys of U.S. doctors and nurses conducted since 1996. That includes a 2003 survey, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, in which responding physicians acknowledged 80 instances of euthanasia requests being “honored.”

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