Military contempt

By WND Staff

Mr. Farah, my feeling exactly [“Bringing the Ebola war home”].

We should not be sending our military treasure into those hot zones in Africa. Yes, I know it’s supposed to be a noble effort to build infrastructures and treatment centers over there, to keep the danger isolated to those hot zones. I know I sound heartless on this issue. I just don’t think we should sacrifice our military personnel.

To be clear, this is Obama we are talking about. He has utter contempt for the military – always has and always will. “Commander in chief” is just the title that goes with the job. He gets the perk of hearing “Hail to the Chief” whenever he walks into a room. Marines have to salute him, plus hold his umbrella when it rains. But he could care less about putting our soldiers at risk. He has always wanted to cut our military to the bone. This could be a good start.

Frances Haase

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