I attended a dinner party this past weekend and was intrigued by the tone of the conversations that swirled around the room. There were, of course, the typical “fluff” conversations that were intended to lightly touch the surface of various subjects – but then there were conversations circling around Ebola and an underlying distrust of the government.
This was actually surprising to me, since I was in the heart of Los Angeles and these people were definitely not clinging to their “guns and religion.” The majority of them were upper middle class – baby boomers and “yuppies” who would never want to be thought of as conservative, but as more libertarian in their political views.
I sat with two men and a woman who were debating the question of whether or not Ebola was something to really be concerned about, and their comments took me aback. The men were bringing up the fact that in the past few years, everything that has come out of Washington has been misleading or an out and out lie – from Obamacare, “if you like your doctor,” to the Department of Veterans Affairs allowing vets to die waiting for an appointment. They said that they were viewing the reassurances about Ebola coming from the CDC with a skeptical eye. Their biggest question was: Why is there no urgency to stop the disease from entering the U.S.?
At that point I jumped in with some facts I had just discovered about the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Thomas Frieden, who has been the out front spokesman on the Ebola crisis. I found an article published by the Washington Post on July 16 of this year reporting that Frieden had been called to testify on Capitol Hill about researchers at his agency that had mishandled live anthrax and other deadly pathogens in a number of mishaps over the past year or so. This came on the heels of federal officials finding forgotten smallpox samples in a storage room at the National Institute for Health campus in Bethesda, Maryland. They also discovered 12 boxes and 327 vials with pathogens that included the virus behind dengue and spotted fever. When Frieden testified about the anthrax, his response was: “We missed a critical pattern, and the pattern is an insufficient culture of safety.” Really? And this is the guy in charge of making decisions on Ebola?
Upon hearing this latest evidence of the incompetence permeating our government, the conversation veered into conspiracy territory. One of the men brought up the fact that Washington has known for months if not years that we were at risk for some sort of global pandemic. According to a government supplier of emergency products, the Disaster Assistance Response Team was told to be prepared to be activated in the month of October for an outbreak of Ebola. Hmm, that’s just like the fact that they knew 60,000 illegal children were going to be coming across our southern border eight months before it happened.
Questions were then brought up about the stockpiling of ammunition and weapons by Homeland Security over the past couple of years and the $1 billion worth of disposable FEMA coffins supposedly stored in Georgia. Why was there preparation being made for FEMA camps to house people in isolation? These were the questions being seriously discussed.
Recent polls show that there is a crisis of confidence among the people. When the people lose all trust in their government because of the lies they have been told over and over again, theories begin to emerge about all sorts of things. We desperately need someone to rebuild the trust and restore faith in this government. The damage that has been done is almost irreparable.
My fear is that this has all been orchestrated from the very beginning. Who knows? Maybe the current administration needs this to happen so martial law can be declared, guns can be seized and the populace can be controlled. Once that happens … game over.
Media wishing to interview Morgan Brittany, please contact [email protected].