What’s wrong with you Ebola fear-mongers?

By WND Staff

Will you please spare us this tripe about Ebola?

Dr. Alan MacDonald has been interviewed in the documentary, “Under Our Skin.” He found Lyme disease in seven out of 10 brain tissue samples from deceased Alzheimer’s disease patients. There are millions of people with Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. and almost none with Ebola.

Lyme is much more common than Ebola and can cause seizures, paralysis, chronic fatigue and a host of other problems, including death.

Yet you are silent about the Lyme pandemic while loudly discussing an Ebola pandemic that does not exist – at least not yet.

What is wrong with you? Don’t you care that people are dying with Lyme? Why are you fear-mongering about an almost nonexistent problem, namely Ebola, while ignoring a very real pandemic, Lyme disease?

Miss Ross

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