Abortionist now charged with child porn

By WND Staff

US District Court Judge strikes down Texas abortion restrictions

A longtime abortionist who previously had his medical license withdrawn has now been indicted on federal charges of receiving and distributing child pornography.

A team of pro-life activists who have been critical of the work of Ohio abortion provider Thomas William Michaelis say they are horrified at what apparently went on.

“The fact that Michaelis target[ed] vulnerable children for his crimes for over two decades is particularly revolting. We hope he is sent to prison for a very long time,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who with Cheryl Sullenger has written about closing down abortion clinics in “Abortion Free: Your manual for building a Pro-Life America one Community at a time,” published by WND Books.

Local reports by the NBC affiliate and the Toledo Blade did not identify him as an abortionist.

The reports said Michaelis, 69, was facing charges of receiving and distributing child pornography images on the Web between January and May.

WNWO-TV  said he was a practicing gynecologist and obstetrician until his medical license was permanently revoked by the Ohio State Medical Board in May.

His license also was revoked in the 1990s when he was convicted of gross sexual imposition, voyeurism and public indecency. The incidents reportedly involved girls who were friends of his daughter. After a series of conditions were met, his license was reinstated.

Order “Abortion Free” right away and start following the guidelines on how to make your community truly respectful of life.

Operation Rescue said the indictment resulted from an investigation by the Secret Service and police while Michaelis worked as an abortionist at Toledo’s Capital Care Network.

Capital Care Network has had its own set of issues with the law, the pro-life group said.

“It holds no valid hospital transfer agreement, which is legally required. Revocation of the clinic’s license and order to close was recommended by a state hearing officer who heard testimony concerning request to close the facility in March. Capital Care Network was indeed ordered to close in July,” Operation Rescue said.

However, the facility remains open pending an appeal of the closure order.

Newman said abortion clinics “provide conditions for men like Michaelis opportunities to prey on women.”

“The abortion cartel is chock-full of sexual deviants. If anyone thinks that is an overstatement, they simply have not done their homework,” he said. “Sexual predation is the abortion cartel’s biggest dirty little secret that no one wants to talk about, but it is more widespread than most people think.”WB274

Operation Rescue reported earlier this year Planned Parenthood’s Boston abortionist Roger Ian Hardy surrendered his medical license after being accused of sexually molesting his patients.

“Michaelis is just the most recent in a long list of abortion clinic employees that have had involvement with sex crimes and the only reason he is not still working as an abortionist is because he got caught. We can only wonder how many abortionists are still out there actively exploiting women and girls,” said Newman. “Women need to be aware that if they decide [to] patronize an abortion clinic, they face the very real possibility that they could be subjected to sex crimes.”

In their book, Newman and Sullenger outline their strategy for making communities “abortion free.”

“We have found that abortion clinics can close and lives can be saved by working strategically at the state and local level despite what the political climate might be,” Newman said. “We know our ideas work because of the successes we have witnessed while employing the same tactics we share in ‘Abortion Free.'”

For example, they share how they closed abortion clinics, starting with 18 in San Diego County in the 1990s, and how they brought an end to George Tiller’s huge late-term abortion work in Wichita, Kansas.

They also found they could get abortionists’ licenses revoked simply by filling out a form and discovered that records of abortion deaths helped in shuttering abortion businesses.

“Abortion Free” details how to employ specific tactics, such as:

  • Discovering and documenting abortion abuses.
  • Using public records requests to obtain information the abortion cartel is hiding.
  • Filing official complaints that can put abortionists out of business.
  • Getting your message past the “gatekeepers” in the mainstream media.
  • Using your research as the basis for new laws that will shutter abortion clinics permanently.

Order “Abortion Free” right away and start following the guidelines on how to make your community truly respectful of life.

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