Black lives DO matter – so let’s defend them

By WND Staff

Lest I be called a white racist, my grand son-in-law is black (a very good man by the way), and I have great-grand-children who are black. And I might add that when our president went to Ireland to visit his relatives, he visited my family stock – the Healey family. Lest I be accused of being unqualified to comment on Ferguson, I am a graduate of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Georgia. And lest I be accused of lacking wisdom, next year I will be an octogenarian.

A black pastor on Fox News said, “Michael Brown does not deserve the death penalty for stealing cigars.” Someone should tell this confused man that Brown did not die for stealing cigars. He died for trying to beat up a police officer and take his gun. And then, instead of obeying the lawful orders of the officer, he charged him. When I became a law enforcement officer, I made a decision that if anyone tried to take my gun, he was going to die and I was going home to my wife and children.

Michael Brown was a 6’4″, 280-pound man. Viewing the film of him committing strong-armed robbery, any police officer will tell you that he was a bully and this was not his first offense. My experience is, there is usually a three-page rap sheet in the juvenile records office. Truth be known, everyone around him was afraid of him – teachers, friends, neighbors, relatives and his own mother. I must ask: Did he look like a “gentle giant” during his strong-armed robbery?

If only the black clergy and the black leaders would become equally outraged at the abortionist in the abortion clinic – usually located within walking distance of black community. On average, 1,876 innocent black babies are painfully dismembered daily in the United States. Where are the Jacksons, the Sharptons and the black leaders and clergy? I have participated in Christian demonstrations in front of abortion mills with Operation Save America. Not once did I see any outraged poverty pimp like the Sharptons or Jacksons. And, sadly, there were very few black clergy at my side.

Some facts: Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist who wanted to exterminate all blacks in America. She founded Planned Parenthood with that in mind. Seventy-nine percent of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located near or in minority neighborhoods. Several years ago, 17,000 aborted babies were found in dumpster outside a pathology lab in Los Angeles. Some 12,000-15,000 were black. It has been estimated that since 1973, about 16 million black babies have been dismembered in surgical abortions. Since the number of blacks is estimated to be 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss. Without this abortion loss, the American black population would now be 52 million plus – 36 percent larger than it is.

So, I pray that the blacks on TV, especially the black clergy, would realize that when they fight to save a criminal thug and turn a blind eye to the innocent children, they are profaning God: “And will you profane Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing people [babies in the womb] who should not die, and keeping people alive [criminals] who should not live …” (Ezekiel 13:19).

Finally, Michael Brown’s friend, Dorian Johnson, should be put to death. According to God, the punishment for a false witness is commensurate with what is at stake in the case. Since the punishment in a capital murder case is death, then a false witness is put to death (Deuteronomy 19:16-21; Exodus 20:16). The punishment that Dorian Johnson intended to be applied to the police officer comes back on him.

Why are these black Americans so easily misled by the likes of Jackson and Sharpton? Their hatred is greater than their love for their own children.

Tom Healey

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