Boys on the girls’ teams?

By Linda Harvey

Will the game be over on Dec. 4 for the best Minnesota schools, all because of the demands of “LGBT” pressure groups?

That’s what many parents are wondering, unless a meeting that day yields a surprise turn-around. It appears now that a Minnesota school athletic council will say it’s OK for boys who pretend to be girls to shower with real girls and play on female sports’ teams. This would apply not just to public schools, but private, religious and home schools as well.

And the schools that do not comply with this policy will have to forfeit games. Yes, it’s that important to these activists – led by homosexual advocates at OutFront Minnesota – to trample over the rights and safety of actual girls.

One wonders what happened to the hard-fought opportunity for biological females to have equal access to school sports. Isn’t that what Title IX is all about – to require schools that receive federal funding to treat males and females equitably regarding athletic options?

But now, the immutable characteristic of gender is to be tossed out because of delusions in a student’s mind, and males can invade the civil rights’ space of females – as well as their privacy and safety – using school sports programs. What about detracting from scholarship opportunities for authentic girls as well?

According to the Washington Post, there are fewer than 10 students in the whole nation each year who want to join an opposite sex sports’ team.

So what’s the real issue? This is really all about the destruction of norms and more government control over the lives and personal stability of children. The Minnesota State High School League (the agency in charge here) is attempting to create controversial law that has not been passed by state legislators in Minnesota or by Congress. It is true that there are advisory letters from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights implying this is federal law, but not true. It’s just another “executive order” move on the part of the Obama administration. No federal law exists that requires schools to embrace gender confusion or homosexual identities among children.

On basketball, lacrosse, tennis teams and more, emotionally unstable males or females would be able to share hotel rooms with the opposite sex when the teams travel. All that’s required for these disturbed teens is a note from home and a letter from a doctor stating that there is, indeed, opposite gender identification in the life of this youth, and that it is “sincere.”

There are teens who are sincere about many sad delusions, however, and medical professionals with moral clarity problems of their own willing to sign off on just about anything. Never forget that some “doctors” take the lives of unborn children, or assist in suicide. Some are Medicaid cheats or are willing to write prescriptions for addicted patients. So “doctor” approval should never substitute for the known realities of child welfare.

The implications are enormous here, because this is truly cultural Marxism – not equality of opportunity but equality of outcome, based on someone’s perception of a deficit, a perception that many still believe is a mental illness. Boys simply should not fantasize they are girls, nor girls that they are boys. When this is going on in a child’s life, it’s a symptom of severe disturbance.

And if schools keep accommodating these troubled people, the precedent is set for other education activists to overturn objective standards.

For instance, let’s talk grades. Many educators have jumped on the bandwagon that certain students are “unequal” during testing because of deficits in their backgrounds. So if a student imagines she is indeed an “A” student, not the “D” student her record shows, and she can allege some racial/ethnic/economic disadvantage, why can’t she be assigned a new achievement record?

But this is ridiculous, one might respond, because grades/testing are objective measurements of scholastic progress. Yes, and gender is an objective, provable and immutable characteristic, not a trait “assigned at birth.”

That’s the language used by in the latest draft of the outrageous policy that may be passed by the MN High School League on Dec. 4 – that some students want to live a different gender than the one “assigned at birth.” No, gender is not “assigned.” It is revealed at birth, and recognized for the reality it is.

The good news is that foolish elected officials are being tossed out of office in Minnesota if they support the escalating nonsense of the “LGBT Queer” lobby. The Minnesota Child Protection League political action arm mounted a campaign against four state legislators who voted for a state “anti-bullying” bill loaded with “gay” agenda propaganda last summer. Every one of these targeted office-holders lost.

Parents are fed up, and they will act to protect their children. And “transgender” men can be a danger to women. Research compiled for the recent Houston “gender identity” city campaign tracked the mounting number of incidents where girls and women are at risk. One Canadian man with a history of sexual assault pretended to be female and raped several women after gaining access to women’s shelters. The report on the website, “No Unequal Rights,” states:

“Many people wrongly think that there is no danger to women and girls from those biological males who wear women’s clothing. That simply is not true. There are numerous cases of males who identify as transgender females but who have been charged or convicted with raping women, as well as cases of transvestite (cross-dressing) men who have likewise been charged or convicted.”

Which is why parents rightfully object – strenuously – to the insanity of “transgender” policies in schools.

The Minnesota Child Protection League has a substantial following and is to be commended for strategic and bold moves to inform and rally parents. They took out a full-page ad in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune just prior to the first hearing on the athletic policy. The headline read: “A male wants to shower beside your 14-year-old daughter. Are YOU OK with that?”

The High School League received over 10,000 emails as a result. The giant was awake. The question remains, will it stay awake? If so, parents can stop this abuse of their precious children for good.

Linda Harvey

Linda Harvey is president of Mission America and hosts a talk show on Salem affiliate WRFD in Columbus, Ohio. Read more of Linda Harvey's articles here.

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