Media stars reveal what’s really going on in Ferguson

By Kathy Shaidle

Police car burning in Ferguson, Missouri

Michael Savage

Savage marked the Thanksgiving holiday by expressing his gratitude to his large and growing radio audience, saying, “If it wasn’t for loyal listeners like you – patronizing my sponsors, buying my books and spreading the word about my show – I wouldn’t be here.

“And I plan to stay here, on the air, until I take my last breath,” he added (Free audio).

Savage’s reaction to the civil unrest in Ferguson was to place blame at the very top: the White House.

“Obama and [former Attorney General Eric] Holder laid the groundwork from the get-go,” Savage said. “They’re Al Sharpton with a smoother act.”

He added that, “One of the protocols of the Communist Party USA is to stir up the masses against the police. If you think there aren’t any communists behind all this, you’ve got another thing coming” (Free audio).

Rush Limbaugh

In the aftermath of Monday night’s rioting and looting in Ferguson, Missouri, many wondered why the National Guard was not deployed to quell the violence.

“Somebody wanted this to happen,” declared radio host Rush Limbaugh this week. “The ongoing theory is that the White House or Washington – the DOJ, Eric Holder – called the governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, and told him not to deploy the Guard. Because it looks like they were ready to go. They had been called up and they were placed on ready status. And then they were not used. And the feeling is that the order came from some high authority in Washington not to deploy them. I don’t know why.”

In what’s become an annual tradition, Limbaugh shared the inspirational “true story of Thanksgiving,” which is very different from the politically correct version taught in schools these days (Free audio).

Aaron Klein

Is Israel reconsidering military action against Iran? Investigative broadcaster and Middle East expert Aaron Klein looked into the matter and also revealed how “a secret Obama pledge on Jerusalem” may have contributed to the latest horrific violence in the city.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio joined Klein to talk about his efforts to overturn the president’s amnesty program. Other guests included Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, whose lawsuit against Obamacare is going all the way to the Supreme Court (Free audio).

Mark Levin

On Facebook, Levin reacted to the grand jury verdict in the Michael Brown case and the aftermath.

“Ferguson burns and violence has been unleashed,” he wrote, “thanks to the reckless liberal media, the lawless administration (especially Eric Holder) exploiting the shooting to smear police departments across the nation, phony civil rights demagogues, race-baiting politicians and radical hate groups.

“What we are witnessing now,” Levin continued, “is the left’s war on the civil society. It’s time to speak out in defense of law enforcement and others trying to protect the community and uphold the rule of law.”

Levin is engaged in a war of words with writer and former Reagan administration official Peter Wehner. After the radio host called him “an adamant and flailing progressive,” Wehner responded in the pages of Commentary magazine.

After presenting his many conservative credentials, Wehner reminded Levin that “the last time I saw [him] in person … was at an infamous gathering of adamant and flailing progressives: Rush Limbaugh’s wedding in 2010.”

Laura Ingraham

Ingraham asked Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder why that state’s governor didn’t deploy the National Guard to the front lines in Ferguson. Kinder speculated that orders to keep the Guard at a distance came all the way from the White House.

An ex-CIA officer told Ingraham that, when it comes to what really happened in Benghazi, the “Obama administration is lying to the American people.” Her other guests this week included veteran GOP insider Pat Buchanan and an Arizona sheriff who says the president lied when he said that criminals wouldn’t qualify for amnesty (Free audio).

Glenn Beck

Watching the violence taking place on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, Beck warned that it was “just the beginning of what will happen to our cities if we don’t change course.”

Beck said America must do what President Abraham Lincoln did right after the Gettysburg Address, and “turn our faces to God at Thanksgiving.”

“It turned the war,” Beck said. “We were losing everything up to that point, but it turned the world. Because he said, ‘We need to humble ourselves.’ Are we not a nation that needs to be humbled? My gosh, I don’t even know what we stand for anymore, except for money and power and greed and corruption. That’s not the America I know or love” (Free audio).

Kathy Shaidle

Kathy Shaidle is a blogging pioneer whose is now in its 12th year. Her most recent book – "The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada Crushes Freedom in the Name of Human Rights, and Why It Matters to Americans" – features an introduction by Rush Limbaugh guest host Mark Steyn. Read more of Kathy Shaidle's articles here.

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