End the media blackout on ‘gay’ rapists

By Around the Web


By Peter Heck

Rape is a hideous crime.

Besides the physical and emotional violence inflicted, depriving the victim of their basic human dignity is unconscionable. The charge of rape itself is worthy of our full attention; and if proven, the crime should demand the harshest punishment we can muster. But thanks to a corrupt media, that’s just not the way things work in America these days.

For instance, while decades old rape accusations against a black TV star named Bill are given front page headlines, more credible rape allegations against a Southern white President of the United States named Bill are ignored and the victims are savaged in the press.

Liberal politics, not people, matter to our evil media.

That’s precisely why they rush to their cameras, microphones and keyboards when news breaks about a pedophile Catholic priest having his way with altar boys. Not because they care about the altar boys, but because they want to discredit the Catholic Church. If you doubt that fact, ask yourself why you haven’t heard much from the Mainstream Media about the recent arrest of 66 year-old Terrence Bean, charged with raping a 15-year old boy.

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