Immediately upon the conclusion of St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch’s press conference and grand-jury decision, I wrote a brief, commonsense statement of “lessons learned in Ferguson MO” on my Facebook page.
You know, the basics of life: Don’t let your kids grow up to be thugs who think they can steal, assault and attack cops as a way of life and badge of black (dis)honor. Don’t preach your racist BS “no justice no peace” as blabbered by Obama’s racist czar Al Not So Sharpton and their New Black Panther klansmen. When a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street, obey him and don’t attack him as brainwashed by the gangstas you hang with and look up to. It’s that simple unless you have no brains, no soul, no sense of decency whatsoever.
Don’t claim that “black lives matter” when you ignore the millions you abort and the hundreds you slaughter each and every day by other blacks. Those of us with a soul do indeed believe black lives matter, as we believe all lives matter. So quit killin’ each other, you idiots. Drive safely.
Within a matter of minutes, my post reached more than 15 million people, and by the next day skyrocketed to 23 million, as compared to my average daily activity of 3 to 4 million.
In a flash, my statement was responded to by more than 18 million people, 99 percent of which were in total agreement to our commonsense conclusion based on the detailed facts as clearly articulated by Robert McCulloch and determined by the grand jury.
No hunches, no opinions, no guesswork, no presumptions, no assumptions, no pie-in-the-sky game playing, no “I heard it through the grapevine” hearsay. Evidence, facts, forensics, DNA, blood, physical evidence, corroborated eye-witness accounts. You know – all that discomforting truth.
Then I posted a comedy routine by black comedian Chris Rock that mirrored my list of lessons learned. Though Chris delivered his recommendations in his own inimitable comedic style, his list of how to not get your ass kicked by the police was lick for lick the same as mine and lick for lick serious as a heart attack.
The occasional hate, attack and threats made against me on Facebook were all standard predictable status quo for the lunatic fringe cult of denial infesting our species, but phenomenally, in defiance of McCulloch’s detailed explanation of how the grand jury came to its decision. It was as if they didn’t listen and didn’t care. As if.
Everything points to the fact that Officer Darren Wilson followed his dedicated, professional law enforcement training 101, and did what he had to do to protect his own life and the lives of innocent citizens from an out of control, violent and dangerous thug.
Officer Wilson took an oath to serve and protect good citizens from bad citizens, you know, the ones who don’t steal and assault and attack cops; the good guys.
Like the 22 million on my Facebook, I am not alone in my grasp of what’s going on here.
Project 21 is a leading voice of respected black conservatives from around the country for more than two decades, sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research. Here is what knowing, caring black leaders have to say about Ferguson, Missouri.
“Now that we have a grand jury decision, may the process of healing begin in earnest,” said Project 21 member Stacy Washington, a St. Louis resident and host of a local radio talk show. “I truly hope for a refocus of protest energy toward reflection and away from blaming the police for the difficulties facing black Americans today. We must begin to look at improving ourselves instead of blaming groups of others for endemic problems that plague the black community. May God grant the Brown family peace and closure.”
“The grand jury’s decision shows that facts do matter,” said Project 21 member Joe R. Hicks, a former executive director or the Greater Los Angeles chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and Los Angeles City Human Rights Commission. “From the inception – and despite the hyperbolic rhetoric from national black leaders, local protesters and political opportunists of all stripes – my position was that the facts and a thorough investigation would tell the story of what happened on that street between teenager Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson. Now that Officer Wilson’s actions have been deemed within the scope of a lawful police response to the dangerous actions of Mr. Brown, it’s now important to watch how the so-called black leadership responds. Will they irresponsibly reject the decision, along with the facts it revealed, and continue to claim that Brown was the murder victim of a racist white cop? To what extent will Ferguson protesters defy the orders of authorities for lawful behavior? We don’t need a replay of the violent, pathological riots we saw on the streets of that small suburb of St. Louis.”
“It amazes me that there are so many who dismissed the fact that Michael Brown robbed a convenience store and attacked a police officer prior to being killed,” said Project 21 member Michael Dozier, Ph.D. “Once again, the black community largely turned a blind eye to the real issues affecting the very lives of our youths. Black-on-black crime is an epidemic, and thousands of black children are brutally killed every year, yet we do not see the Al Sharptons or Jesse Jacksons protesting their deaths. The president doesn’t proclaim their lives would reflect the life of a son he never had. The black community needs to stop with the excuses and victimization and stop allowing antagonists to come into their communities to promote their own agendas.”
“Now that the grand jury has rendered a decision, people on both sides can now peacefully debate the result. The decision does not give anyone the right to engage in property destruction, physical assaults and general chaos if they don’t agree with that decision,” said Project 21 member Kevin Martin. “The grand jury looked at all the evidence, and it surely did its best to render a judgment respectful of all parties. It is long past the time for those who might seek to use violence to achieve an outcome to decamp from Ferguson and allow the community to heal.”
Everybody I know prays for the Brown family and the residents of Ferguson. We also pray for Officer Darren Wilson and his family of law enforcement heroes around the country.
But most of all we pray to God that somebody is learning the most ridiculously obvious lessons that must be learned by all thinking, caring people who truly want both peace and justice.
There is a proper way to conduct one’s self if one wishes to live a good life. It is a heartbreaking tragedy that instead of learning these lessons, the cult of denial decided to burn, attack, destroy and continue the blindness.
Good people will pray anyway.
Media wishing to interview Ted Nugent, please contact [email protected].