ISIS seeks converts among Ferguson rioters

By Leo Hohmann

An ISIS member uploaded this photo presenting a message to Ferguson rioters.
An ISIS member uploaded this photo presenting a message to Ferguson rioters.

The Islamic State looks at the rioting of black youths in the streets of American cities and sees red-meat – an untapped treasure trove of new recruits.

Within hours of the Ferguson grand jury’s decision not to prosecute Officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, members of the Islamic State, also called IS, ISIS or ISIL, started Tweeting messages directed at angry protesters. Some promised to send in soldiers to help, for a price:

Abu Hussain Al-Britani tweeted:

“We hear you and we will help you if you accept Islam and reject corrupt man-made laws like democracy and pledge your allegiance to Caliph Abu Bakr and then we will shed our blood for you and send our soldiers that don’t sleep, whose drink is blood, and their play is carnage.”

“To a sane person it sounds ridiculous, but to an insanely angry person it is very tempting,” said the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder of the Brotherhood Organization of New Destiny, a Los Angeles-based ministry that works to strengthen black families by building better fathers. “If they can pledge their allegiance to Louis Farrakhan then they can pledge their allegiance to ISIS.”

While Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam is not as radical as ISIS, it does preach hatred against white America, and ISIS is tapping into that same base of angry blacks, Peterson said.

He’s not sure how effective the Islamic State’s pitch will be, but he expects some blacks will fall prey to the message.

“It’s possible considering their state of anger,” he said. “The only thing the enemy has to do is come along and say ‘I’m you’re friend and I understand that white Americans discriminate against you and I want to help.'”

Al-Britani also uploaded a photo to Twitter of five young black men dressed in terrorist garb, their faces covered with scarves so only their eyes are seen while holding rifles and a message scrawled on paper. A caption under the photo read: “Accept Islam & give bayah [allegiance] to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi & then we will send u soldiers that don’t sleep! – #IS #Ferguson.”

more isis promisesAnother member with the Twitter handle Abu Hamza As Somaal, said: “White pigs oppressed our brothers for a long (sic) it’s a time to claim our right through #jihad through #FergusonDecision.”

Somaal followed with another tweet that said “My fellow black community know that #Jihad is the only thing that will bring justice, respect and honour in #FergusonDecision #Islamic State.”

Another terrorist using the handle “Abu Dujana” taunted the Ferguson rioters, tweeting “how long will you let these govts oppress u. Draw your knife and show them a response!!”

Britani added an appeal to the values of American civil rights leader Malcolm X with the tweet: “From #IS to #Ferguson we heard your call and we are ready to respond! #FergusonDecision #BeLikeMalcolmX #FightBack.”

Abu duwan 'draw your knives and show them a response'Peterson said the interjection of Malcolm X was a clever attempt to relate to the American black civil rights experience.

“Malcolm X wasn’t this radical but you have to bring up the past history in order to get the people to identify with that,” he said. “What they always leave out was that Malcolm X came to the point where he realized he needed to get over his anger and that all white people were not racists and he had been lied to by (his mentor) Elijah Muhammad while he was in prison.”

Joel Richardson, author of “The Islamic Antichrist” and director of the new documentary “End Times Eyewitness,” said the Islamic State’s attempts to get into the minds of young American blacks would be laughable if it wasn’t so dangerous.

“Personally I’m indignant that ISIS is using this moment of deep pain and anger within the African American community to exploit heightened emotions for their own sick purposes,” Richardson said.

Both Peterson and Richardson said Islam has always tried to drive a wedge between American blacks and their Christian heritage by saying that Christianity is the religion of the white oppressors and Islam is the religion of the black man who wishes to throw off his oppressors. But this type of narrative skips over the history of how blacks have been treated in Muslim countries across North Africa.

“Muslims frequently claim that Christianity is a white man’s religion and Islam is a black man’s religion. History laughs at such a suggestion. Not only was the Islamic slave trade far more vast in scope than European and American slavery, but it also lasted much longer,” Richardson said. “The simple fact of the matter is that today the only nation where black slavery is still practiced is in the Muslim nation of Mauritania, where Arab masters still own black slaves.”

Saudi Arabia, the headquarters of Sunni Islam, only outlawed slavery in 1960 and blacks in that country are still relegated to a near apartheid type existence.

In fact, the Arab Muslims have a name for blacks or Africans. It’s called “Abd” or “slave.”

A Muslim-American group in the Detroit area has recently launched a campaign to get Muslims in that area to stop using the word “Abd” for black people, as reported by FrontPage magazine.

Black Americans who have converted to Islam in the greater Detroit area have recognized the frequent use of the term and many feel it is the equivalent to the “N” word in English. Yet, campaigns to end the use of this term have met with stiff resistance from Arab Muslims.

“While American slavery is no doubt a great stain on American history, this country also went to war to end slavery,” Richardson said. “And today this diverse nation is home to millions of the descendants of those who were once slaves. Black culture is part of the very fabric of American culture. The Islamic world cannot say the same thing, simply because Muslim practice was to emasculate their black slaves. So the story of Islamic slavery is really one of a great genocide. A holocaust really, one that is rarely discussed. Islam has always been a form of Arab supremacism.”

Wherever Islam has spread, it has brought the language and culture of seventh century Arabia with it. Why is it, Richardson asks, that American blacks who convert to Islam will immediately change their American name to an Arabic name?

Richardson believes African-Americans are being targeted now by Islam just as blacks in northern Africa have been targeted through history. The only difference is Islam was able to use military force in Africa whereas it uses propaganda to recruit converts in America.

“African pagans, Jews and Christians were subjugated and forced under the yoke of Islam. But the whole region had long ago accepted Christianity as the one true path to the one true God,” Richardson said. “So when I see Muslim jihadis appealing to young black men to convert to Islam, I ask myself why they would willingly choose to go back to a state of slavery.”

Muslims themselves are referred to as slaves to “Allah,” the god of Islam.

“Why would someone desire to become a slave to a desert demon-god when they could be a child of the Most High God?” Richardson asks.

He asks any man targeted by Islamic recruiters to consider the differences between Christianity and Islam.

“The God of the Bible adopts all those who come to Him. He is the One who lays down His life for those He created. He is a Father,” Richardson said. “The demon-god of the Quran is much more akin to the father who never comes home, who is absent and is never present. And yet he demands that Muslims call themselves slaves. That’s a profound insult. My hope is that those in Ferguson and the larger African-American community will return en masse to their true heritage, to become godly men who work toward justice and reconciliation rather than toward cutting off heads, and destroying their own communities.

“Everywhere that true Islam spreads, slavery follows. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

Peterson, who works with black families through BOND to help build stronger fathers, said Islam has nothing to offer those who are neither ignorant of history nor consumed by anger.

“Islam is a racist, hateful religion,” Peterson said. “To me it is not even a religion, it appears to be more political, because religion is about forgiveness and redemption. In northern Africa there are blacks over there who are enslaved right now, by Islam, but they will use them. It’s not that they care about black Americans they use them for a higher cause, which is the advancement of Islam. And a lot of black Americans are not aware of the treatment of blacks under Islam. If black Americans heard the truth they might wake up and get over their anger, so this is a crucial message and it concerns me and we need to get it out there and what the danger is that will come upon us if we don’t deal with this anger.”

Peterson said anger will cloud anyone’s judgment.

“Your enemy looks like your friend and your friend looks like your enemy. Anger will make a person look different to you. It changes your perception of them,” he said. “It’s no different in a marriage relationship, if a man gets angry at his wife. It’s the same person but his anger clouds his perception of her. That’s why many in the black community, they can’t see that this is the best country for black folks and they do have opportunities here if they will put their anger away and focus on their opportunities.”

Leo Hohmann

Leo Hohmann has been a reporter and news editor at WND as well as several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas. He also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. His latest book is "Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement Jihad." Read more of Leo Hohmann's articles here.

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