Nixon should resign

By Around the Web


By Jack Abramoff

For most of my life, when one read or heard the words “Nixon should resign”, the Nixon was former President Richard Nixon and the resignation demand flowed from the events of the Watergate scandal. After the debacle in Ferguson, Missouri, there’s another Nixon who needs to step down: Jay Nixon, the governor of that Show Me state.

Like millions of Americans, I was glued to the television watching Democratic St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch announce the results of the grand jury proceedings in the matter of the shooting of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson.

In a highly unusual televised announcement, McCulloch spent almost an hour detailing the reasons why the racially diverse grand jury opted not to indict Officer Wilson. It was an interesting glimpse into the usually opaque grand jury process.

Furthermore, the prosecutor revealed that the authorities would be making publicly available virtually all evidence that the grand jury reviewed. Also, highly unconventional.

All of this made riveting television, but what was just as engrossing, and at the same time incredibly repulsive, was the barbarism taking shape on the split television screen. Before the prosecutor was even finished outlining the grand jury decision, the thugs that had gathered in Ferguson were on the march. When morning broke on Ferguson, Missouri, buildings were rubble and smoldering ashes. The question is why.

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