Barack Obama’s amnesty gambit is not just a bid to ensure a steady stream of new Dependocrat voters.
That’s only part of the scheme.
To understand the lesser-noted motivation, and even more insidious one, you have to remember Obama’s ideological, anti-capitalist roots.
You have to recall the political strategy you were warned about here as early as 2008, when Obama was first running for the presidency – the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
Do you remember what that was all about?
To refresh your memory, the Cloward-Piven strategy is about manufacturing crises to bring about the destruction of the free-enterprise system to usher in the socialist utopia.
It was by a Marxist Columbia University professor and his research assistant in an article in the Nation May 2, 1966. The professor of social work was Richard A. Cloward, and his research assistant was Frances Fox Piven. What they authored became known as “the Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis.”
Cloward and Piven specifically calculated their strategy as a way to end poverty by bringing the capitalist system to collapse through a series of escalating demands that could never be met.
One of their principal demands was the establishment of a “guaranteed annual income.” Just six years later, this demand became a part of the platform of the 1972 Democratic National Convention and the presidential nominee that year, George McGovern.
But Cloward and Piven didn’t just argue that such ideas should become political demands. They argued that action needed to be taken by like-minded fellow travelers to wreak havoc on the system. One way that was to be accomplished, they explained in their treatise, was for social workers to sign up the poor in existing social programs at such levels as to tax the system to the breaking point.
When these entitlements were no longer able to be covered by government agencies, the new dependent class would riot and rebel and create chaos that would create a real crisis for the system.
An example of the way this Cloward-Piven strategy worked quickly followed when it was actually implemented by George Wiley, the founder of the National Welfare Reform Organization. In the early 1970s, Wiley’s NWRO hired “social workers” with the express purpose of expanding the welfare rolls as fast as possible. The strategy was so effective that welfare recipients went from 4.3 million nationally to 10.8 million by the middle of the decade. In New York City, there was soon one welfare recipient for every two residents working in the city’s private sector.
James Simpson, a former White House staff economist and budget analyst, says “the vast expansion of welfare in New York City that came from NWRO’s Cloward-Piven strategy sent the city into bankruptcy in 1975.”
Remember the famous New York Daily News headline? “Ford to N.Y.: Drop Dead.” President Gerald Ford was between a rock and a hard place because of the Cloward-Piven strategy and the organizational activities of George Wiley.
But that was hardly the greatest claim for Cloward and Piven.
While George Wiley was a disciple of Cloward and Piven, William Radke was a disciple of Wiley. In 1970, after working for NWRO, he formed a new organization – the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. The name was later changed to Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, but the acronym remained.
This was the organization Barack Obama would serve as an attorney and as a trainer of its leadership.
ACORN wasn’t just about registering Democratic voters. It was about registering so many that it created a crisis in the system – the same way Wiley created a crisis in the welfare rolls. Fraudulent voters were just as good as legitimate voters.
Where did the money come from for such abuses? ACORN was heavily funded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
Did it work?
You bet. The idea behind ACORN’s voter registration campaign, which continues to this day, even benefiting now from direct federal taxpayer support, was to register as many Democratic voters as possible, legal or not, and assist them in voting – the more times the merrier. The system had to be overwhelmed with registrations, multiple entries, dead voters, random names, contrived names. When it all became impossible to police, the lobbying for minimal identification standards for voters would begin.
Just 22 years ago, Obama headed the Chicago operations of Project Vote!, an ACORN affiliate. Obama boasts in his autobiography about how successful he was at registering voters on Chicago’s South Side.
He was so successful, he was elected president in 2008. He was re-elected in 2012.
Today, Obama is still employing the Cloward-Piven strategy, but not as a community organizer. Today he is the Community Organizer in Chief.
He’s still creating crises as a means of empowerment.
And the biggest experiment yet in the Cloward-Piven model is Obamnesty.
It’s a two-fer: Not only does it ensure a steady stream of Dependocrat voters for the foreseeable future, it also ensures the greatest expansion of welfare rolls in history. And it won’t even require an army of community organizers to make it happen. It was done with a stroke of the pen.
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].