Republicans now are out of excuses

By Mychal Massie

This off-year election shellacking Obama took was his second in six years. The Democratic Party has been hemorrhaging seats in every election but his own.

In 2010 the Democrats lost the House in one of the most embarrassing and lopsided drubbings in some 70 years. Now, in 2014, history not only repeated itself, but it did so with double exclamation points.

That being the case, one is forced to wonder how support for Obama’s policies was able to spell the end of careers for so many but not spell the end of Obama. I know this is the point the “he stole the election” choirs start to warm up, but I did not believe that to be the case in 2012, and I do not believe it to be the case now. I believe the reason he survived both election (white-guilt notwithstanding) and re-election is because conservative voters recognized John McCain and Mitt Romney for what they were and said no to them both.

But while that makes for cogent discourse, I ask the question: “What did the Republican Party accomplish after the historic landslide victories in 2010, and what can we expect them to do now?”

The answer is that the only thing the Republicans accomplished in the aftermath of the 2010 victories was what Obama wanted them to accomplish. That goes from the debt-ceiling concessions to Republicans introducing and passing legislation intended to strengthen Obamacare and working feverishly to pass amnesty.

I used to be of the mindset that Republicans just didn’t know how to engage in guerrilla or trench warfare. I used to think they were just too “country club” and that Democrats had that “smash your face” turn-of-the-century union corruption mentality. However, I have come to realize that’s not the case. The truth is that both parties are two sides of the same coin.

Sadly, not enough people witnessed nor are they aware of the vicious machinations orchestrated behind the scenes that were intended to thwart the will of We the People vis-à-vis who got elected. Even though marplots such as Karl Rove, Reince Priebus, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican hierarchy worked to undermine many of our choices for election – my focus has now shifted to what can we expect from them now that they have won the Senate.

Those of us who work the front lines of politics are aware of the dastardly machinations of Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove to sabotage fundraising for true conservative candidates in favor of feckless RINOs. We are aware that John Boehner worked behind the scenes to sabotage the investigations into Fast and Furious and to shield Eric Holder from prosecution. We are aware of former Rep. Eric Cantor’s attempt to deceive We the People with phony legislation making it appear Republicans had fought to defund Obamacare when in fact they had been responsible for funding it. We are also aware that Cantor’s trick could not have taken place (even though it failed) without the blessing of Boehner.

If Republicans, as I fully expect, betray us as they did in 2012, they will find themselves dead to us. Rove and Priebus think they can move the Party to the left and maintain our support. Jeb Bush wants us to embrace a big tent where all ideologies are welcome.

I want Rove and Priebus to tell me to my face that they pulled off these historic election results without the help of Christian conservatives. I want Jeb Bush to tell me what makes us any different than Democrats if we are going to support the same things they do.

The Republicans have no reason for not reining in Obama the final two years of his term. Republicans have sat silent as Obama opened our borders, allowing every form of disease, gangs and drugs to cross into our country. They have sat silent as Holder has run the Justice Department like a black Klu Klux Klan. Republicans have sat silent as Obama has transpicuously violated the Constitution at will. They blustered and pontificated, but in the final analysis they’ve done nothing to bring this administration to justice for Fast and Furious or the murders Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Ambassador Stevens Obama permitted in Benghazi. Republicans have made excuse after excuse for the debt-ceiling increases, the payroll tax debacle and Obama’s unconstitutional meddling in the Middle East. They have sat silent as Obama has used executive orders to bypass congressional authority.

Republicans are out of excuses. It is time for them to act like the party of Lincoln and Reagan, or it is time for us to completely divest ourselves of them going forward.

Paraphrasing Ronald Reagan’s famous Goldwater speech, Republicans “have a rendezvous with destiny.” They will either preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or they will sentence them to make the next step into a thousand years of darkness.

If they, as their actions already indicate, capitulate to the left and allow Obama unrestrained unconstitutionality, it is up to us to make them pay dearly.

Media wishing to interview Mychal Massie, please contact [email protected].

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.

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